Henry and June: From a Journal of Love: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin, 1931-1932 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Henry and June: From a Journal of Love: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin, 1931-1932 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Henry and June: From a Journal of Love: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin, 1931-1932 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By what other name Nin often refer to Miller in March?
(a) Hugo.
(b) Erskine.
(c) Salvador.
(d) Perles.

2. Who was Nin's guest at the exhibition?
(a) Mansfield.
(b) Miller.
(c) Hugo.
(d) Eduardo.

3. What did Nin allow Miller to do in March?
(a) Read her journal.
(b) Slap her.
(c) Watch her have sex with Hugo.
(d) Write about their relationship.

4. Why did Miller become angry with Nin during his first attempt at seducing her?
(a) She kept talking about her cousin.
(b) She got drunk and passed out.
(c) He did not know she had a husband.
(d) He thought she was purposely being coy.

5. How did Eduardo feel about Miller?
(a) Indifferent.
(b) Jealous.
(c) Loving.
(d) Alienated.

6. When analyzing Mansfield's stories, what doubts does Nin begin to feel?
(a) She doubted Mansfield's mental stability.
(b) She doubted Mansfield's feelings for her.
(c) She doubted Mansfield's talent as an artist.
(d) She doubted Mansfield is capable of telling the truth.

7. According to Nin, why did she try to assume the dominant role in a relationship?
(a) She liked to blur the societal gender roles.
(b) She was too tomboyish to not be dominant.
(c) She was afraid someone would take advantage of her.
(d) She would fall for weak men.

8. According to Nin, what did Henry and Mansfield destroy in her?
(a) Inspiration.
(b) Logic.
(c) Love.
(d) Understanding.

9. When Nin read Miller's new novel in February, how did she feel about it?
(a) She found it to be beautiful.
(b) She enjoyed his technical skill, but believed he lacked passion.
(c) She found it to be boring.
(d) She was annoyed that he included their affair as part of the novel.

10. What was Hugo's main fear when Nin confessed her affair with Miller to him?
(a) He was afraid she would leave him.
(b) He was afraid Miller would get her sick.
(c) He was afraid Miller would get her pregnant.
(d) He was afraid that Miller's wife would attempt to seduce himself out of revenge.

11. Even after their meeting with Perles, how did Miller still view Nin?
(a) Flakey.
(b) Hateful.
(c) Fragile.
(d) Headstrong.

12. Describe Jean's relationship to Mansfield.
(a) They were rivals for Miller and Nin's affections.
(b) They were lovers.
(c) They were cousins.
(d) They were sisters.

13. Why did Eduardo claim that Nin could not be a lesbian?
(a) Eduardo was attempting to corral Nin for himself.
(b) Nin did not hate men.
(c) Nin was repulsed by other women's bodies.
(d) Nin did not view other women as equals.

14. How did Perles's suggestion to Nin that she loved Miller more than Mansfield affect Nin?
(a) She grew saddened.
(b) She grew defensive.
(c) She felt emboldened.
(d) She felt alienated from Mansfield.

15. What did Henry do to Nin that initially repulses her in their first meeting?
(a) He flirted with her.
(b) He got her drunk.
(c) He refused to shake her hand.
(d) He kissed her.

Short Answer Questions

1. By Nin's standards, what outlived reality?

2. Why did Miller want to unmask Nin?

3. Of what was Nin unsure in March in regards to Miller?

4. About what sexual activity did Nin find herself frequently fantasizing in October?

5. With whom does Nin attempt to end a relationship in March of 1932?

(see the answer keys)

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