Henna Wars Test | Final Test - Medium

Adiba Jaigirdar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Henna Wars Test | Final Test - Medium

Adiba Jaigirdar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the party different than the last one?
(a) There will be Bengali food.
(b) Nishat says it is just different.
(c) She will be bullied.
(d) There will be adults.

2. In Chapter 22, why does Ms. Montgomery approache Nishat?
(a) About the text message and asks if it is related to the competition.
(b) About the bag of tubes.
(c) About the lying.
(d) About the secret compartment in her locker.

3. In Chapter 16, what is Nishat supposed to receive?
(a) Her henna ink.
(b) Her shoes.
(c) Her henna tubes.
(d) Her Junior Cert results.

4. What is the code to Nishat's locker?
(a) 12,16,1.
(b) 53,2,12.
(c) 1,12,17.
(d) 8,0,10.

5. What does Nishat show the two girls from school as they walk in?
(a) New shoes.
(b) Laminated pricing sheet.
(c) Her texts.
(d) Bengali food.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Nishat feel annoyed at her mother in Chapter 17?

2. What will the shop have for Nishat?

3. What does Flavia admit that she feels scared of in Chapter 27?

4. In Chapter 26, who is Janet?

5. In Chapter 26, why does Nishat feel pleased?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 26, what event is Nishat nervous about?

2. Why does Nishat feel guilty at the end of Chapter 21?

3. In Chapter 25, why is Nishat worried?

4. In Chapters 16, what almost happens at Flavia's house, during Chyna's party?

5. What does Nishat notice Priti doing after they get off the bus?

6. Why is Nishat worried about her results?

7. What does Jess make a joke about?

8. What does Nishat steal from Flavia's locker?

9. How does Chapter 25 end?

10. Which incident does Priti come to tell Nishat about during the first showcase?

(see the answer keys)

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