Hello Beautiful Test | Final Test - Hard

Ann Napolitano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 193 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Hello Beautiful Test | Final Test - Hard

Ann Napolitano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 193 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color bow does Alice have in her hair when Sylvie comes to the apartment to say goodbye to Julia when Julia leaves for New York?

2. In 2008, when did Kent and Nicole divorce?

3. How many pages of family history has Sylvie written when she gives it to Izzy to read?

4. When William is helping Cecelia remodel her house, where do he and Sylvia like to eat dinner?

5. To whom does Julia give the divorce and custody papers so they can take them to William?

Short Essay Questions

1. What health issues does Sylvie have in 2008?

2. How do Sylvie and William begin seeing one another?

3. Where is William found after he leaves Julia, and what is his condition?

4. What does Sylvie tell her sisters she is writing?

5. What does Julia tell Alice about her father when Alice is five, and how does it affect Alice?

6. What schedule do Julia and Alice follow when Alice is five?

7. What are Alice's thoughts when her mother visits her during Alice's freshman year in college?

8. What does Julia decide to do when Professor Cooper says he is going to take a six-month project in New York?

9. How does William reach out to the twins and mend their relationship?

10. Why does Kent think they need to look for William after he tells Julia their marriage is over and he leaves?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

An analogy is the comparison of an unfamiliar object or idea to a familiar one in an attempt to explain the unfamiliar or to help readers understand characters, events, or concepts. What are some analogies Napolitano uses in Hello Beautiful? How do these analogies help readers comprehend characters, events or concepts?

Essay Topic 2

Alice and Julia have one another and very few other people. How would you describe the relationship between Julia and Alice? How does that relationship affect Alice and the influence the type of person she becomes?

Essay Topic 3

Colors are sometimes associated with mood. If you could assign a color to represent the mood in Hello Beautiful, what color would it be? Why? Would you choose different colors to describe the mood in different sections?

(see the answer keys)

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