Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Karrde says that he did not really want to do what with Luke?
(a) kill him
(b) set him free
(c) turn him over to the Imperials
(d) keep him locked up

2. While trying to escape his cell, Luke hears _________ nearby?
(a) a ship
(b) Artoo
(c) a wookie
(d) Karrde

3. Leia uses what, to disable the Noghiri ship?
(a) a small bomb
(b) a blaster
(c) the Force
(d) her lightsaber

4. What is Luke's condition, after the crash?
(a) he is unconscious for hours
(b) he has a large gash on his arm
(c) he has a broken arm
(d) he is unharmed

5. Thrawn is confident that the Noghri will make contact with Leia and do what, as they were instructed?
(a) capture her
(b) drug her
(c) kill her
(d) distract her

6. Ralrra is able to speak which language so Leia can understand?
(a) Shriwook
(b) Bocce
(c) Basic
(d) Alderaanian

7. To Karrde's dismay, Thrawn comments on what?
(a) the crash that just occured in the forest
(b) wanting Karrde to kill Luke
(c) Han and Lando
(d) Leia and the noghiri after her

8. What is the name of Leia's assistant?
(a) Winter
(b) Autumn
(c) Spring
(d) Summer

9. Leia catches a glimpse of the Noghri hiding where?
(a) among the wookies' dwellings
(b) outside the Falcon
(c) inside the Falcon
(d) behind a box

10. When Thrawn hails Karrde, he says he needs more what?
(a) ysalamiri
(b) money
(c) freighters
(d) mole miners

11. Leia sets a time and place to meet up with this Noghri in the near future, so that she may do what?
(a) talk to their elders
(b) start a trade agreement with the Noghiri
(c) get their help to rescue a Jedi
(d) see what Vader did for them

12. Han knows that what was in Karrde's possession, as well as a human prisoner?
(a) a Jedi
(b) a lightsaber
(c) a droid
(d) a mole miner

13. Han and Lando tell Karrde that they are going to the Falcon to check on some things, but do what instead?
(a) slip off to spy on the Imperials
(b) go to snoop on Karrde's prisoner
(c) slip off to send a secret message to Leia
(d) get on the Falcon and fly back to Coruscant

14. How does Luke's initial meeting with Karrde end?
(a) Luke is shown to comfortable quarters.
(b) Jade escorts Luke to a cell.
(c) Karrde is knocked unconscious from behind.
(d) Luke is knocked unconscious from behind.

15. While Luke sleeps, Jade does what, in order to stay awake?
(a) practices a Jedi training technique
(b) runs laps around their sleeping site
(c) takes pills
(d) sings

Short Answer Questions

1. Jade held what position at Jabba the Hutt's Palace, during the brief time that Luke was there?

2. Karrde realizes what about his time at Myrkr?

3. Karrde decides to get in touch with his contact where, to determine why the Imperials are after Luke?

4. After disabling the Noghiri ship, Leia asks to speak to whom?

5. When Karrde meets Luke he does what unusual thing, puzzling Luke.

(see the answer keys)

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