Heaven's Prisoners Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heaven's Prisoners Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Dave's employment end with the police department?

2. What does Dave don?

3. What does Annie beg of Dave?

4. Who is Eddie Keats?

5. What does the DEA know about the INS' involvement in this case?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Dave conclude about the incident in the bayou?

2. Who does Dave ask to watch Annie and the house and give a brief description of the person.

3. How do Dave and Annie learn more about Alafair?

4. What does Dave learn from Robin before she leaves town?

5. Describe Annie Robicheaux.

6. Where does Dave go after a phone call from Batist?

7. Who calls Dave and what does he want?

8. Where do Dave and Annie go when they dock their boat?

9. Describe Dave Robicheaux.

10. Describe Minos P. Dautrieve.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In most fiction, readers would like all the loose ends to be neatly "tied up." Discuss the following:

1. Do you think HEAVEN'S PRISONERS is successful as a detective novel? Why or why not.

2. What about this book would motivate you to read another of James Lee Burke's Robicheaux series? What would discourage you from doing so?

3. Were all the "loose ends" satisfactorily settled for you? Why or why not.

Essay Topic 2

It becomes increasingly obvious that Dave is willing to sacrifice his simple and enjoyable life in order to become involved with the ugly side of life in Louisiana and to set things aright, as he sees it. Discuss the following:

1. Analyze the process of Dave becoming involved, then retreating, then becoming involved, then retreating, etc., and why you think he vacillates so much.

2. Discuss the aspects of Dave's personality that makes it very difficult for him to forget the plane crash.

3. If Dave had stayed away from the plane crash investigation, it is likely Annie would still be alive. How do you think this knowledge impacts Dave? Use specific examples from the story to illustrate your point.

Essay Topic 3

Dave's various flashbacks to Vietnam and life as a young man with his father provide interesting parallels to his current situation. He recalls events because they were morally equivalent to his current situation. Discuss one of the following:

1. Trace and analyze Dave's life as a young man with his father and how those memories are related to the plot of this story. What symbols/metaphors are common to both? What of Dave's feelings are common to both? Does Dave react differently as a grown man than when he was young? How? If not, would you say he has not learned from his life experiences?

2. Trace and analyze Dave's various flashbacks to Vietnam and how those memories are related to the plot of this story. Why symbols/metaphors are common to both? What of Dave's feelings are common to both? Does Dave react differently as an older man than when he was a young man? How? If not, would you say he has not learned from his life experiences?

3. Do you think Burke would have used as many flashbacks in this book had this book not been part of a series? How much do the flashbacks shown in this book affect the current storyline? Do readers need the information presented in the flashbacks to understand the storyline ongoing in the present? Would there be any other way to understand Dave's complex personality without flashbacks? Justify your answers with specific examples from the text.

(see the answer keys)

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