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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the name of the operation that is encountering some problems with negotiations between the White House and the Kremlin?
(a) Redgoose.
(b) Bluegoose.
(c) Greygoose.
(d) Mongoose.
2. Who confessed to having dealings with the DGI party after being accused of being pro-Castro?
(a) Arnie.
(b) Chevi.
(c) Hunt.
(d) Dix.
3. Harry is depressed in Part V, Chapter thirty-five, after his breakup with who?
(a) Modene.
(b) Kittredge.
(c) Sally.
(d) Martha.
4. What does Hunt get angry with Harry for using and tells him never to use it again in Part IV, Chapter twenty-one?
(a) The secure line.
(b) His gun.
(c) The company computer.
(d) His office.
5. Whose passionate affair does Harry describe in Part IV, Chapter 33?
(a) His own with Sally.
(b) His own with Kittredge.
(c) Zenia and Georgi.
(d) Hugh and Kittredge.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Hugh discover after checking with his contacts at the Soviet Desk in Part IV, Chapter twenty-one?
2. What is the name of the stewardess that Hugh wants harry to seduce?
3. Where does Harry vacation with his mother and afterward meets with a special group about sabotaging Cuba?
4. Who successfully tapped the PCU?
5. Who does Cal go to meet in Paris, who the agency has put next in line for the Presidency of Cuba?
Short Essay Questions
1. What important event takes place in Part Six, Chapters 19 with the CIA?
2. Who is Chevi and how has he become important to the Agency?
3. How is Harry's regressing also symbolized as a blow to America's ego in the early 1960's after the failure at the Bay of Pigs?
4. Who does Harry report his information to, and how is he serving several masters?
5. How is Harry's recording of the invasion of The Bay of Pigs as a journal rather than letters to Kittredge important as a real breakthrough for them?
6. How does Harry describe the new CIA headquarters from I-J-K-L to Langley?
7. Who are the famous men that Modene has affairs with?
8. How does Harry begin to have problems with Chevi in the second part of Mongoose?
9. How is Cal's growing weakness highlighted in his letters to Harry?
10. How does multiple names serve as one of the larger symbols in "Harlot's Ghost"?
This section contains 855 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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