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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who calls Jen in the middle of the night, but Jen hangs up on this person in her disgust?
(a) Kathleen.
(b) Megan.
(c) Randy.
(d) Ben.
2. There is another group in town called the _______________ who are New Age folks that are trying to share goodwill with everyone they meet.
(a) Cosmica Ramas.
(b) True Lovers.
(c) The Team.
(d) A Blinding Light.
3. This friend of Jen's tries to reassure her with a story about her family ________, even though the story doesn't end well.
(a) Dog.
(b) Fish.
(c) Horse.
(d) Cat.
4. Kathleen wants to point out that while Jen might be going through a __________, that she is not the only one.
(a) Crisis.
(b) Misunderstanding.
(c) Happy time.
(d) Conflict.
5. What causes Kathleen to have to leave early in the morning, even though she promised to talk with Jen?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Work.
(c) A phone call.
(d) A man.
6. Kathleen dresses quickly in the morning so that Jen will not see _____________, it seems.
(a) Her naked.
(b) That she loves Jen.
(c) That she is leaving.
(d) That she doesn't like her.
7. At one point, Kathleen was married to a _____________, according to their conversations together.
(a) Artist.
(b) Therapist.
(c) Surgeon.
(d) Writer.
8. What do the people next door to Jen remind her of, as she describes them for the reader?
(a) No one.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her brothers.
(d) Martians.
9. How does Jen call Kathleen when she realizes that she is not showing up for their meeting?
(a) Pay phone.
(b) Bartender's phone.
(c) The gas station employee phone.
(d) A cell phone.
10. Which of the children still lives with his father, though this changes later on in the story?
(a) Tom.
(b) Randy.
(c) Jen.
(d) Ben.
11. Where does Eric tell Jen that he needs to go in order to begin to find himself and his true feelings?
(a) Delaware.
(b) Illinois.
(c) Wyoming.
(d) Texas.
12. Who is the person that stands outside and smokes before going in to see Wallace after the surgery?
(a) Jen.
(b) Ben.
(c) Randy.
(d) Sarah.
13. Who does Jen imagine is surrounding her when she is in her drugged and drunk state after leaving her meeting?
(a) Doctors.
(b) Her brothers.
(c) Herons.
(d) Fish.
14. What does Wallace decide to make out before his surgery, just in case something happens?
(a) A mix CD.
(b) His will.
(c) His final novel.
(d) A video tape.
15. What is Wallace having trouble doing after his surgery, as a result of swelling in his brain?
(a) Talking.
(b) Laughing.
(c) Moving.
(d) Writing.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do the brothers not do with their father as they seem to think this is unmanly, even in the circumstances?
2. What is the name of Jen's best friend, as she is described to be in the story, though not necessarily by her actions?
3. What is the one subject that Eric doesn't want to talk about and that he becomes defensive about when Jen tries?
4. What does Wallace decide to do in order to get rid of the brain tumor, though he is afraid of his choice?
5. Randy points out that Wallace's looking great is like the ________________, and it's not fooling anyone.
This section contains 504 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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