Half of a Yellow Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Half of a Yellow Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The phrase “ejima m” carries which of the following meanings in the text”
(a) My gold.
(b) My own.
(c) My twin.
(d) My love.

2. Which of the following foods has Harrison cooked when Richard confesses his perfidy to Kainene?
(a) Fish and chips.
(b) Chicken in cream sauce.
(c) Porkchops and applesauce.
(d) Steak tartare.

3. The phrase “the vulnerabilities he wore so openly knotted as his throat like a tie” (304) offers an example of which of the following?
(a) Metaphor.
(b) Conceit.
(c) Analogy.
(d) Simile.

4. Which of the following journals does Ugwu note having attempted to read?
(a) Socialist Review.
(b) Jacobin.
(c) Dissent.
(d) Monthly Review.

5. What name does Odenigbo’s mother give to his child?
(a) Obiageli.
(b) Zendaya.
(c) Chiamaka.
(d) Anulika.

Short Answer Questions

1. To which of the following festivals does Ugwu take Richard?

2. Which of the following foods has Harrison cooked when Richard confesses his perfidy to Kainene?

3. To which of the following does Okeoma compare Olanna?

4. Which of the following serves as a door for the bunker Odenigbo and others in the neighborhood build?

5. About which of the following is the first piece Richard writes at Madu’s behest?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Kainene’s reaction to Richard’s determination to attend a memorial for Winston Churchill’s death?

2. Why does Olanna note the upstairs living room in her parents’ house is called the ladies’ parlor?

3. What reasoning does the priest Olanna visits give her for forgiving Odenigbo?

4. What, ultimately, is the obunigwe?

5. What is the stated significance of Port Harcourt to Biafra?

6. What reasons does Olanna posit that Odenigbo is not frightened by how little they have?

7. How does Muokelu apologize to Olanna after commenting aspersively on Kainene?

8. What reasons does Ugwu give for wanting to see an Indian film after the festival with Richard?

9. What reasons does Madu give for wanting Richard to document conditions in Biafra?

10. What advice does Ifeka give Olanna after Odenigbo’s infidelity?

(see the answer keys)

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