The Hairy Ape Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hairy Ape Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Yank say he will do if the men don't fight?
(a) He will raid their houses.
(b) He will kill their families.
(c) He will knock them dead.
(d) He will will blow them up.

2. What does the gentleman say to Yank when he bumps into him?
(a) Excuse me sir.
(b) Are you from around here.
(c) I beg your pardon.
(d) Who do you think you are.

3. What does Yank call an old lady he approaches?
(a) Kiddo.
(b) Cracker.
(c) Divvy.
(d) Heiffer.

4. Who does the fat gentleman call for?
(a) A shoe shiner.
(b) A bus conducter.
(c) A police officer.
(d) A taxi driver.

5. What does a woman cry in ecstasy about?
(a) Monkey fur.
(b) A pink Cadillac.
(c) A working class man.
(d) Diamond earrings.

6. Who does Long say should keep off the grass in fifth avenue?
(a) Negros.
(b) Women.
(c) Proletarians.
(d) Animals.

7. What does Yank say is a joke?
(a) Votes.
(b) His job.
(c) The shops.
(d) Mildred's father.

8. What does Yank say he is wise to?
(a) The police.
(b) The stiffs.
(c) The game.
(d) The world.

9. Where does the man tell Yank to hide the newspaper?
(a) In his jacket.
(b) Behind the toliet.
(c) Under his mattress.
(d) Under his pillow,

10. What does Yank tell the prisoners to watch?
(a) His smoke.
(b) His next move.
(c) His eyes.
(d) His girl.

11. What is Yank's girl's surname?
(a) Formby.
(b) Jamison.
(c) Jackson.
(d) Douglas.

12. Where does Yank say the girl belonged?
(a) The heavens.
(b) The window of a toy store.
(c) The upper deck.
(d) The graveyard.

13. What does Long do when he realizes Yank won't stop causing trouble?
(a) Leaves.
(b) Pins Yank down.
(c) Pulls Yank to away.
(d) Calls the police.

14. What is Yank's real name?
(a) James Brown.
(b) Fred Toms.
(c) Bob Smith.
(d) Simon Barnes.

15. Where does scene five take place?
(a) Fifth avenue, New York.
(b) The New York subway.
(c) The promenade deck.
(d) The stokers hole.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Yank refer to the prison guard as?

2. How do the voices pronounce the word other?

3. What kind of building does Yank point to?

4. What newspaper does a voice say a guard gave him?

5. What does Yank tell the prisoners he will do if they don't stop kidding him?

(see the answer keys)

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