Gulliver's Travels Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gulliver's Travels Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Gulliver makes it clear that he thinks the king is what?
(a) naive
(b) crazy
(c) foolhardy
(d) brilliant

2. How long does Gulliver stay in the country?
(a) two years
(b) three years
(c) five years
(d) four years

3. Gulliver hopes to sail where from the island?
(a) England
(b) Japan
(c) America
(d) Africa

4. Who proposes that health and politics are intimately linked?
(a) a doctor
(b) Gulliver
(c) the queen
(d) the king

5. Gulliver explains that there are some in the culture that are born with what color birthmark over their left eye?
(a) purple
(b) yellow
(c) red
(d) blue

6. The same doctor proposes that in order to cure the forgetfulness of many of these men, what should happen to them after a speech?
(a) They should be paid.
(b) They should be hurt.
(c) They should receive an award.
(d) They should keep a written copy of the speech.

7. What happens to children with the birthmark?
(a) they are immortal
(b) they are raised as slaces
(c) they are killed immediately
(d) they are raised royal

8. The people had tried to do away with the language altogether, but the illiterate and whom were in an uproar?
(a) the leaders
(b) the children
(c) the men
(d) the women

9. This island has magicians and sorcerers on it and the main power on the island is that of a family of magicians who use what as servants?
(a) the dead
(b) living magic hats
(c) puppets
(d) rabbits

10. The king threatens Gulliver with the loss of his life if Gulliver tells anyone else about what?
(a) armies
(b) gunpowder
(c) rifles
(d) British parliament houses

11. How many years ago does the lord explain that people went to visit the flying island and came down with all sorts of ideas?
(a) twenty
(b) sixty
(c) forty
(d) thirty

12. Whose hair does Gulliver use to design seats and purses?
(a) the queen's
(b) the nurse's
(c) the king's
(d) the cook's

13. At the port city, Gulliver is directed to go where until he can find passage to the island?
(a) Dribbledlubb
(b) Glubblydubble
(c) Glubbdubdribb
(d) Dribbdubglubb

14. When an immortal marries, it is annulled when the younger partner reaches what age?
(a) 20
(b) 30
(c) 60
(d) 40

15. Gulliver finds that the way the island floats is by what?
(a) magnet
(b) cloud
(c) air jets
(d) suspended by flying machines

Short Answer Questions

1. The floating island can keep hovering over the lower island, blocking out the sun and what, according to Gulliver?

2. How does Gulliver feel about the way the king views Gulliver's country?

3. What does the eagle do with Gulliver?

4. Gulliver sees Alexander the Great and finds out he died of what and had not been poisoned.

5. When the ship is ready to sail, where is it going?

(see the answer keys)

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