Great Short Works of Leo Tolstoy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Great Short Works of Leo Tolstoy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Marya's first reaction to Sergey?
(a) Resentment.
(b) Repulsion.
(c) Indifference.
(d) Fascination.

2. Where does Eugene Irtenev live?
(a) The Caucasus.
(b) The country.
(c) Moscow.
(d) Petersburg.

3. How would you describe the nature Dmitri expects to find in the Caucasus?
(a) Domesticated.
(b) Fertile.
(c) Sublime.
(d) Exhausted.

4. Why was Liza Annenskaya confined to bed?
(a) She tripped crossing a ditch.
(b) She was having fits.
(c) She was taken ill.
(d) She was having complications of her pregnancy.

5. How does Tolstoy describe Marya and Sergey's feelings for each other?
(a) Head over heels in love.
(b) Respectful and moderately affectionate.
(c) Resentful.
(d) Indifferent to each other.

6. What do Marya's boredom and depression turn into?
(a) Creativity.
(b) Illness.
(c) Self-destructive behavior.
(d) Jealousy.

7. What does Sergey tease Marya about?
(a) Her coquettish nature.
(b) Her housekeeping.
(c) Her ignorance of French literature.
(d) Her dark sense of humor.

8. How does Tolstoy say Ivan Ilych's wife demonstrated mental problems?
(a) Jealous rages.
(b) Depressions.
(c) Breakdowns.
(d) Alcoholism.

9. What topics does Sergey capture Marya's curiosity about?
(a) New technology.
(b) International politics.
(c) Planting crops.
(d) The plight of workers.

10. How does Ivan Ilych begin his career?
(a) As a foot soldier.
(b) As an intern.
(c) As a clerk.
(d) As a provincial magistrate.

11. Who did Lukashka actual kill?
(a) A Chechen.
(b) A Tartar.
(c) A Russian.
(d) A Christian.

12. Who lives on the other side of the Terek River?
(a) Grebensk Cossacks.
(b) Muslim Tartars.
(c) Turks.
(d) Russians.

13. Who is Praskovya Federovna?
(a) Ivan Ilych's lover.
(b) Ivan Ilych's wife.
(c) Ivan Ilych's mother.
(d) Ivan Ilych's sister.

14. What was Ivan Ilych promoted to after three years in his second position?
(a) Judge.
(b) Provincial director.
(c) Assistant public prosecutor.
(d) Surgeon.

15. Where does Marya yearn for through the winter?
(a) Moscow.
(b) Greece.
(c) Petersburg.
(d) Paris.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom did the Grebensk Cossacks intermarry?

2. Who is Eugene Irtenev?

3. What is Maryanka's response when Dmitri asks her whether they can marry?

4. How long was Ivan Ilych in his position before he was appointed to the position of public prosecutor in another town?

5. Who is Ivan Ilych at the beginning of "The Death of Ivan Ilych"?

(see the answer keys)

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