Goldfinger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Goldfinger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Goldfinger paint Jill with?
(a) Gold
(b) Tar
(c) Silver
(d) Oil

2. How does Bond try to kill Goldfinger?
(a) Shoot him
(b) Strangle him
(c) Stab him
(d) Push him down stairs

3. What can Goldfinger give Bond to kill him painlessly?
(a) A pill
(b) Cyanide
(c) An injection
(d) A biscuit

4. What is the name of Tilly's sister?
(a) Jane Windsor
(b) Jill Masterton
(c) Lauren Tucker
(d) Petr Soames

5. What does Oddjob kill Masterton with?
(a) A gun
(b) His fists
(c) His hat
(d) A knife

6. What city does the Cement Mixer come from?
(a) Las Vegas
(b) Detroit
(c) Chicago
(d) New York

7. What is Goldfinger doing at the side of the road?
(a) Having a picnic
(b) Going to the toilet
(c) Shooting birds
(d) Sleeping

8. What kind of gun does Tilly have?
(a) A pistol
(b) A bazooka
(c) A machine gun
(d) A rifle

9. What does Bond have hidden in his shoe?
(a) A camera
(b) Cigars
(c) A map
(d) A knife

10. Who orders Bond back to London?
(a) Mary Goodnight
(b) Q
(c) Miss Moneypenny
(d) M

11. Who does Bond meet in Washington?
(a) Oddjob
(b) Goldfinger
(c) The President
(d) M

12. What does Bond find under the bridge?
(a) A phone
(b) A gold bar
(c) A gun
(d) A diamond

13. What is Goldfinger planning to rob?
(a) Fort Knox
(b) The Bank of England
(c) Swiss banks
(d) JFK airport

14. What airport does Leiter drop Bond at?
(a) Idlewild
(b) Miami
(c) Heathrow
(d) JFK

15. What does Bond see at the end of the table Goldfinger straps him onto?
(a) A circular saw
(b) A rat
(c) A lazer
(d) A meat cleaver

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the gangsters states his/her mistrust of Bond?

2. What country does Goldfinger drive to?

3. Who does Bond say he wishes to see?

4. What airport does Bond wake up in?

5. What kind of car does Leiter have?

(see the answer keys)

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