God in the Dock; Essays on Theology and Ethics Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God in the Dock; Essays on Theology and Ethics Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lewis argues against discounting an argument just because the speaker does what?
(a) Expresses himself poorly.
(b) Ignores his own advice.
(c) Changes his opinion.
(d) Makes a fool of himself.

2. Lewis attributes most of the reduction in church attendance in England to what?
(a) The lack of a central authority for the Church of England.
(b) Secular government.
(c) Materialism.
(d) The lack of laws for compulsory attendance.

3. What does Lewis believe about the story of Jesus turning water into wine?
(a) It is unimportant metaphorically.
(b) It was a historically documented miracle.
(c) It can be explained through natural processes.
(d) It is probably fictional.

4. How does Lewis regard scientific progress?
(a) It is neutral.
(b) It is nearly always bad.
(c) It is usually wrong.
(d) It is always good.

5. What does Lewis believe about the birth of St. John the Baptist?
(a) It was not the same miracle as the birth of Jesus Christ.
(b) It was perfectly ordinary.
(c) It was not foretold by prophecy.
(d) It was almost certainly miraculous.

Short Answer Questions

1. The philosopher J.J.C. Smart distinguishes between whether an institution of moral rules is a good and idea and what?

2. In the title of the essay in Part II, Essay 12, "God in the Dock", the term "in the dock" refers to a condition in which what happens?

3. What core concept in Christianity does Lewis believe to be unfamiliar to most Englishmen?

4. What do most people believe about national repentance?

5. Lewis states that the opinion that only experts should read old literature is very common in what field?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reasons does Lewis give for being uninterested in hymns?

2. Why does Lewis believe that the decline of religion occurring at his time was less dramatic than it appeared?

3. What is the problem in the village described in Part IV, Letter 5, "A Village Experience"?

4. What theological reasons does Lewis give to reject the idea of women serving as priests?

5. What practical reasons does Lewis give to reject the idea of women serving as priests?

6. According to Lewis' writings in Part II, Essay 1, "Dangers of National Repentance", what dangers does national repentance present?

7. What problem does Lewis identify in the rules discussed in Part IV, Letter 1, "Conditions for a Just War"?

8. Why does Lewis believe that an outside-in perspective is impossible to attain?

9. What does Lewis find lacking in the "Liberal" or "Modernist" churches?

10. Why does Lewis believe that a therapeutic approach to crime will lead to tyranny?

(see the answer keys)

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