God Emperor of Dune Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Emperor of Dune Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Leto and Moneo's procession nears the Idaho River, who is stationed along the river's banks to raise any necessary warnings?
(a) The Face Dancers.
(b) The Museum Fremen.
(c) The Shape Changers.
(d) The Imperial Guard.

2. What does Leto predict about Chenoeh's future?
(a) She will die without becoming a Reverend Mother.
(b) She will be killed while protecting Leto.
(c) She will leave service and become a mother.
(d) She will become a Reverend Mother before she dies.

3. What does Leto conceal from Moneo about Siona?
(a) Siona is about to be killed.
(b) Siona is not actually Moneo's daughter.
(c) Siona has a special genetic gift.
(d) Siona is about to become Leto's wife.

4. When the rebels meet in a storage chamber beneath Onn, how many rebels are present?
(a) Fifty.
(b) Nineteen.
(c) Ten.
(d) Thirty-two.

5. When Idaho is reporting to Leto in the catacombs beneath the Citadel, why does Idaho draw his lasgun?
(a) Because Idaho hates Leto.
(b) Because an assassin has been found.
(c) Because Idaho is afraid.
(d) Because Leto is daydreaming.

Short Answer Questions

1. The city of Onn is built on the former Tanzerouft. What was Tanzerouft known as?

2. Why does Leto only have female armies?

3. Who is Sihaya?

4. At the beginning of the story, how many people are fleeing through the Forbidden Forest?

5. When Moneo daydreams about one day lying in the mausoleum, what does Moneo refocus on?

Short Essay Questions

1. In the "Welbeck Fragment," what notion does Moneo insist about Leto that his daughter rejects?

2. Why does Leto hold his first interview with the new Idaho in the darkened crypt?

3. After being informed by Idaho that there have been attacks on the guards and spotty violence in the City and in the Forbidden Forest, Leto orders human wolves introduced into the forest. Why?

4. Why does Leto tolerate the Ixians?

5. How has Leto kept peace for the 3,000 years of his reign?

6. Why does Leto insist that Chenoeh record his words about tyranny precisely?

7. In order to increase their chances of success during the attack of Leto's procession near the Idaho River, what do the Face Dancers do?

8. According to what Leto, what will happen when the melange is gone?

9. Why is Noree dissatisfied with the formal analysis of Leto's motives for accepting his transformation in exchange for longevity?

10. According to the first conversation to take place between Leto and Nayla, what does Leto demand of Nayla?

(see the answer keys)

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