Gimpel the Fool Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gimpel the Fool Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gimpel do during his travels?
(a) Bake bread.
(b) Sleep a lot.
(c) Spin yarns (tell stories).
(d) Beg for money and drink ale.

2. Instead of God or an afterlife, what does the the person in Gimpel's dream say is there?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Eternal sleep.
(c) A thick mire.
(d) Another life on earth.

3. When Gimpel awakens after dreaming of Elka, what mementos does he have?
(a) The feel of Elka's lips and taste of her tears.
(b) Scratches from the Spirit of Evil.
(c) An ancient Torah by his bed of straw.
(d) Stray hairs from his children.

4. How many children did Elka bear Gimpel?
(a) Sixteen.
(b) Six.
(c) Twelve.
(d) Twenty.

5. What does Gimpel carry with him in his beggar's sack?
(a) A dradel.
(b) His will.
(c) A wad of money.
(d) Death shrouds.

6. What happens while Gimpel and Elka are separated?
(a) Gimpel meets someone else.
(b) Elka gives birth to a boy.
(c) Elka gives birth to a baby girl.
(d) Elka dies.

7. What does the delivery person say about Gimpel's family?
(a) Gimpel has a decent wife and two fine kids that he doesn't deserve.
(b) Gimpel's family doesn't deserve all the food that Gimpel sends.
(c) Gimpel's family is too small.
(d) Gimpel's family smells bad.

8. What is wrong with Elka when she becomes ill?
(a) There is a growth on her breast.
(b) She is old.
(c) She has diabetes.
(d) She is insane.

9. In order to right his wrongfully attempted vengeance, what does Gimpel do?
(a) Return the food he has stolen.
(b) Clean the sidewalk.
(c) Bury the tainted bread.
(d) Pray.

10. What does Elka confess on her deathbed?
(a) She has never loved Gimpel.
(b) She has always loved Gimpel.
(c) Their children are not Gimpel's.
(d) She doesn't believe in God.

11. How does Gimpel feel on his way home at night after work?
(a) Regretful he didn't get a divorce.
(b) Hungry.
(c) Like he has a fever.
(d) So excited he feels like singing.

12. What is the final expression on Elka's face after she confesses to Gimpel?
(a) She is frowning.
(b) She drops a single tear.
(c) She is smiling.
(d) Her mouth is agape.

13. How does Gimpel describe the person who brings food to Elka?
(a) As a curmudgeon.
(b) As a bum.
(c) As a goodhearted lad.
(d) As a thief.

14. What does the second person Gimpel dreams of say of the afterlife?
(a) "Dante was right."
(b) "I am so happy!"
(c) "I am in limbo."
(d) "They spare you nothing here."

15. Where does Gimpel believe he cannot be deceived?
(a) In the pub.
(b) On the road.
(c) The afterlife.
(d) In his dreams.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Gimpel go when he leaves Frampol?

2. What is Gimpel told while he is dreaming on his travels?

3. What does Gimpel imagine Elka's expression says after she has passed away?

4. If Gimpel follows through with his plan of vengeance, what does he fear he'll lose?

5. When Gimpel has returned home after being separated and he has completed Elka's errand, what does he ask her?

(see the answer keys)

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