Gilgamesh: Man's First Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Bernarda Bryson Shahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gilgamesh: Man's First Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Bernarda Bryson Shahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gilgamesh do when he notices this?
(a) He pursues the animal.
(b) He jumps in the water.
(c) He pursues the animals.
(d) He tries to revive the plant.

2. How does the wife of Utnapishtim describe Gilgamesh?
(a) A stranger.
(b) A filthy mess.
(c) As an odd looking man.
(d) As a young man, thin and haggered, but otherwise like to she and her husband.

3. What does Sabitu do after he thanks her?
(a) She shoves him out the door.
(b) She ignores him.
(c) She laughs at him.
(d) She points him toward the Bitter River.

4. Does Utnapishtim agree to aid Gilgamesh in his impossible mission?
(a) No.
(b) Yes.
(c) Not necessarily.
(d) At first.

5. How does the King respond?
(a) He responds with a question.
(b) He responds differently than he has in the past.
(c) The same way he always has responded.
(d) He does not answer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sabitu ask the King?

2. What does Utnapishtim begin at the beginning of this chapter?

3. Why has Gilgamesh come to seek his ancestor?

4. How long does Gilgamesh wait for Urshanabi to arrive?

5. What happens to Enkidu?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Utnapishtim's wife describe Gilgamesh?

2. What must Gilgamesh do to reach Utnapishtim?

3. What does Sabitu explain to Gilgamesh that he will find on the shore?

4. How long does the storm last? What happens when the water begins to recede?

5. Why is the crow sent out? Why does it not return?

6. How does Gilgamesh respond to this dream? What happens to Enkidu?

7. What option does Urshanabi offer Gilgamesh?

8. What does the scorpion-man urge Gilgamesh to do? How does Gilgamesh respond?

9. How does Chapter Nine begin?

10. How does Sabitu react after Gilgamesh tells his story?

(see the answer keys)

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