Gilead Test | Final Test - Hard

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Gilead Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In his sermon, what does the grandfather say is left in Gilead?

2. What was the expectation placed on John and Louisa from childhood?

3. What is Jack's son's name?

4. What was Jack Boughton's original name to have been?

5. What is the revelation about Jack's wife after it is discovered that he has a wife and child?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the nature of the discussion John and Jack have about predestination?

2. What is John's response to the possibility that there may be something approaching love between Lila and Jack?

3. John writes an extensive contemplation of the Ten Commandments, focusing on the Fifth Commandment. What are some of his thoughts?

4. What is the content of the conversation that Jack and Lila have as John feigns being asleep?

5. How does John respond to Jack's question about his family moving to Gilead?

6. Describe the nature of the letters Edward is sending home to his father and brother.

7. What is the nature of the conversation John and Boughton have while Lila, their son, and Glory have gone to the movies?

8. How does John recall Jack's baptism?

9. How does John recall Boughton's parents?

10. What is John's point on preaching on Hagar and Ishmael?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Compare John's relationship to his son to the relationship John had with his father. Discuss the similarities and differences. Was John sorry for the way he was brought up by his father? Does John have any regrets as to how he is bringing up his own son? Discuss.

Essay Topic 2

Christianity and interpretations of the bible play an important role in the book's actions and themes. Discuss whether or not unfamiliarity with the bible is a handicap in understanding Gilead. Consider whether or not this is a "religious" book, and defend your answer. Discuss whether the book would appeal to or be a turn-off to someone with little or no interest in religion, and why.

Essay Topic 3

In the section encompassing pages 86 - 104, an image of communion is presented, as it is throughout the novel. Consider the significance of this ritual outside the walls of a church. Discuss what the implication of this event is, especially in light of the theme of the relationship between fathers and sons outside the realm of religion. Factor in, too, the relationship between John and Jack.

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