Gift from the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gift from the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of atmosphere between people does a beach create?
(a) Tense
(b) Shy
(c) Carefree
(d) Suspicious

2. Why does she believe people seek meaningless activities when there's nothing to do?
(a) So they don't get bored
(b) To fill the void of time
(c) To keep from thinking
(d) To keep from remembering something bad

3. How does Anne decorate her beach cottage?
(a) With gifts from the sea
(b) With local handicrafts
(c) With her paintings
(d) She doesn't deorate her cottage

4. How does the author view being alone for two weeks?
(a) It presents a challenge
(b) As boring
(c) As a wonderful vacation
(d) As a spiritual step to sainthood

5. What is a channeled whelk?
(a) A type of seaweed
(b) A small snail-like creature
(c) Where boats come to the harbor
(d) A type of coral

6. What does the author stress about day to day living?
(a) With the right attitude, it's fun
(b) It is boring
(c) It's work and life is not a beach
(d) It can be wonderful all the time

7. What about the author's life makes it more difficult to achieve simplicity?
(a) Her life is subject to public scrutiny
(b) She has to work
(c) Her husband is unfaithful
(d) She has too many children

8. Men, says the author, has more opportunity at work than women to do what?
(a) Talk to people
(b) Giving himself creatively
(c) Earn money
(d) Have an affair

9. What does the author say is required of an artist?
(a) To be around a lot of people
(b) To be patient
(c) To not care
(d) To give of self in small drops

10. Why is less time spent caring for the home now possible?
(a) Men help
(b) A myriad inventions
(c) Smaller houses
(d) Smaller families

11. What does Anne become one with?
(a) The sand
(b) The people around her
(c) The sun
(d) The rhythms of the sea

12. Why might women feel resentful about giving?
(a) If it is is without purpose
(b) Because men don't
(c) Because it cost too much
(d) Because no one else does

13. What is a moon shell?
(a) A snail's shell that has a symmetrical face
(b) A shell that makes one depressed
(c) A cresent shaped shell
(d) A shell found on the full moon

14. What does multiplicity in life lead to, according to the author?
(a) Anger
(b) Fragmentation
(c) An interesting life
(d) Being tired all the time

15. What does the author forget when she's in the city?
(a) The rhythm and the pace of the sea
(b) Clean water
(c) Clean air
(d) The stars

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Anne use as an example of the simple life?

2. The author compares to the channeled whelk to what of hers?

3. What does the author say everyone wants out of love?

4. What does the author believe most people need?

5. What would happen if one chose to embrace one-and-only moments all the time?

(see the answer keys)

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