Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden,… Test | Final Test - Easy

Steve Coll
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden,… Test | Final Test - Easy

Steve Coll
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Massoud's group was suspicious of the U.S. and its relationship to the Taliban, but who was his one CIA link?
(a) William Piekney.
(b) Howard Hart.
(c) Gary Schroen.
(d) Milton Bearden.

2. In what year was Bhutto ousted from office and Nawaz Sharif became prime minister?
(a) 1997
(b) 1996.
(c) 1998.
(d) 1999.

3. The first CIA Northern Afghanistan Liaison Team (NALT-1) flew by what means from Dushanbe to the Panjshir Valley in 1997?
(a) U.S. Air Force helicopters.
(b) U.S. Marine Corps helicopters.
(c) U.S. Army helicopters.
(d) Massoud's helicopters.

4. The 1997-2000 White House national security adviser was determined "terrorism and al Qaeda" would rank where?
(a) It "matched Korea" on the list.
(b) The "number two" issue.
(c) The "number one" issue.
(d) Not the "number one" issue.

5. When Deutch quit as CIA director after merely 19 months, the president attempted to nominate which individual?
(a) Tom Pickering.
(b) Tom Simons.
(c) William Milam.
(d) Tony Lake.

6. In 1996, the CIA was attempting to recover Stinger missiles but encountered what problem with the Taliban?
(a) They claimed they had none.
(b) They would sell back only damaged ones.
(c) They demanded too high a price.
(d) They would not sell back the ones they had.

7. With whom did the Turkmenistan government make their deal?
(a) Unocal, with Washington support.
(b) Bulgheroni, with Washington support.
(c) Bulgheroni, without Washington support.
(d) Unocal, without Washington support.

8. Sudan was told the Khartoum embassy would close given their terrorist support, but what was one step it could take?
(a) Provide information on bin Laden and his followers.
(b) Expel bin Laden to Saudi Arabia.
(c) Expel bin Laden to Yemen.
(d) Expel bin Laden to Romania.

9. Which nation did not meet multilateral lending requirements for the pipeline at that time?
(a) Afghanistan.
(b) Tajikistan.
(c) Turkmenistan.
(d) Kazakhstan.

10. A commando raid on bin Laden was not pursued because it was thought that a failed attack with civilian casualties would yield what?
(a) Raise opposition in Europe.
(b) Raise opposition in international community.
(c) Raise opposition in Africa and Asia.
(d) Raise bin Laden's stature in Islamic world.

11. In addition to the Zawhar Kili camp, the U.S. used missiles where?
(a) Bin Laden properties in the Sudan.
(b) Terrorist camp complexes in western Pakistan.
(c) Terrorist camp complexes in northern Afghanistan.
(d) Terrorist camp complexes in northern Pakistan.

12. Tenet's reform program for the CIA did what?
(a) Emphasized both covert actions, intelligence gathering.
(b) De-emphasized covert actions, emphasized intelligence gathering.
(c) Emphasized covert actions, de-emphasized intelligence gathering.
(d) De-emphasized covert actions, intelligence gathering.

13. Where did U.S. ships and submarines with missiles wait to receive the coordinates of bin Laden's location?
(a) Arabian Sea.
(b) Aral Sea.
(c) Andaman Sea.
(d) Caspian Sea.

14. Since the equipment was already in place, the CIA decided to use it for whose capture?
(a) Ahmed Shah Massoud.
(b) Mullah Mohammed Omar.
(c) Osama bin Laden.
(d) Massoud Khalili.

15. Who was the ISI head from 1998 to 1999?
(a) General Asad Durrani.
(b) General Akhtar Abdur Rahman.
(c) General Javed Ashraf Qazi.
(d) General Khwaja Ziauddin.

Short Answer Questions

1. Massoud had gained strength in new arms deals and felt that the Taliban had weakened as he rebuilt what?

2. The suicide bombing against the USS Cole, a U.S. Navy destroyer, took place on 12 October 2000 in what port?

3. How many casualties resulted in these two U.S. embassy attacks in Africa?

4. By early 1999, Tenet was certain that bin Laden would be capable of striking the U.S. at what point?

5. Some of the 1998 U.S. embassy bombers belong to al-Qaeda sleeper cells in Africa, and all were trained where?

(see the answer keys)

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