Frightful's Mountain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Frightful's Mountain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom had Sam caught Skri leaving a cave last June, according to the narrator in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?
(a) Sean Conklin.
(b) Better Christopher.
(c) Flip Pearson.
(d) Lon Herbert.

2. What is the name of the raccoon that Sam feeds?
(a) Buster McMustard.
(b) Rocky Raccoon.
(c) Jessie Coon James.
(d) Peanut Butter King.

3. On what date do Frightful's eggs hatch in "There are Three"?
(a) May 25.
(b) March 3.
(c) July 1.
(d) June 2.

4. From what Native American tribe is Dan Martin descended?
(a) Karuk.
(b) Wintu.
(c) Cherokee.
(d) Mohawk.

5. When did Thomas Paine travel to France on his first trip?
(a) 1656.
(b) 1892.
(c) 1781.
(d) 1818.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Perry Knowlton call when he first sees Frightful wearing jesses on the bridge in "Sam Battles Bird Instincts"?

2. On what day of incubation do the jackhammers stop in "The Kids are Heard"?

3. Who is the governor who writes to Leon and the children in "Sam Battles Bird Instincts"?

4. Who is the peregrine expert from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that arrives at the bridge in "There are Three"?

5. Who helps Sam in erecting a pole to put Frightful's nesting box upon in "Frightful and Oksi Run the Show"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens at the home of John Burroughs in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?

2. How is Chup reintroduced to the story in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?

3. Where does Sam stay during Frightful's nesting period? Why?

4. How does Joe Cassini respond to Leon Longbridge and the schoolchildren in "There are Eggs and Trouble"?

5. Who are Flip Pearson and Dr. Werner?

6. How does Frightful respond to the eggs that she lays in "There are Eggs and Trouble"?

7. Who are the children who become the falcon fan club? What do they do to help Frightful?

8. When does the bridge repair begin in Delhi? How does this coincide with Frightful's process of nesting?

9. What does Leon Longbridge announce to the schoolchildren when he arrives at the bridge in "Sam Takes Charge"?

10. Where does Sam move Oksi in "Sam Battles Bird Instincts"? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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