Fresh Water For Flowers Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Valérie Perrin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fresh Water For Flowers Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Valérie Perrin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III (Pages 189 - 287, Chapters 43 - 61).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many girls died in the fire at La Clayette?
(a) 10.
(b) 2.
(c) 9.
(d) 4.

2. In Chapter 41, who takes Leonine on holiday?
(a) Leonine's teacher.
(b) The Caussin family.
(c) Philippe, on his own.
(d) Father Cedric.

3. In Chapter 40, who does Violette recognize as the unidentified victim of a car accident?
(a) Philippe.
(b) Julien.
(c) Paul.
(d) Gabriel.

4. Who was the cook at La Clayette?
(a) Genevieve Mangan.
(b) Chantal Williamson.
(c) Alain Fontanel.
(d) Swan Letellier.

5. What is the only difference between Violette's closest neighbors?
(a) Their dreams.
(b) The wood of their coffins.
(c) Their hairstyles.
(d) Their incomes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mother Toussaint insist on calling Leonine?

2. In Chapter 21, what are the only ghosts Violette says she believes in?

3. Who was the director at La Clayette?

4. In Chapter 14, what does Violette's husband love doing the most?

5. Who was Irene's husband?

(see the answer key)

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