Franny and Zooey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franny and Zooey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What problem do the Glasses have with conversation?
(a) They rarely have conversations.
(b) They don't talk, they expound.
(c) They don't like to talk.
(d) They are too smart for others.

2. What religious action does Zooey say Franny is missing in her own home?
(a) Drinking chicken soup.
(b) Sharing the Bible.
(c) Praying.
(d) Cleaning.

3. Who is Zooey afraid Franny's crusade will hurt?
(a) Franny's college friends.
(b) Buddy.
(c) A wonderful college professor of Zooey's.
(d) Franny.

4. What is Zooey doing as he tells Bessie the tale of the pilgrim?
(a) He is shaving.
(b) He is bathing.
(c) He is filing his nails.
(d) He is brushing his teeth.

5. What is Franny doing while she has her conversation with Zooey in the living room?
(a) She is sleeping.
(b) She is reciting the prayer.
(c) She is eating.
(d) She is picking fleas off of the cat.

6. Why does Zooey believe that the prayer will never work for Franny?
(a) She doesn't follow through with things she chooses to do.
(b) She doesn't believe in Jesus.
(c) She is too shallow.
(d) She believes that even Jesus should be perfect.

7. Where is Zooey going to have lunch on the afternoon of his long bath?
(a) With Franny.
(b) At a friends.
(c) Downtown.
(d) On a film lot.

8. What does Franny say that she and Zooey have in common?
(a) They are both bothered about things and can't keep quiet about it.
(b) Their ideas about acting.
(c) Their ideas about religion.
(d) Nothing.

9. Why does Zooey get so upset when Bessie mentions calling Philly Byrnes, the psychoanalyst?
(a) He fears that it will send Franny over the edge.
(b) He believes only Franny's family can help her.
(c) He believes Franny will get past this on her own.
(d) He hates all psychoanalysts.

10. What was the film about that Zooey made with Dick Hess?
(a) A farmer who moves to the city.
(b) A dancer.
(c) A romance of a young man falling in love.
(d) A drunk.

11. What did Zooey say that made Franny realize she wasn't talking to Buddy?
(a) He said that Zooey was a lunatic.
(b) He said that Zooey did not know what he was talking about.
(c) He explained why Zooey smokes cigars.
(d) He said that Zooey was destructive.

12. Why doesn't Zooey want to get married?
(a) He is too busy.
(b) He hasn't found the right woman.
(c) He likes to ride in trains too much.
(d) He is gay.

13. In a discussion with Zooey, who does Bessie say that Franny should talk to?
(a) Franny's brother Buddy.
(b) Franny's brother Waker, the priest.
(c) Bishop Pinchot
(d) Franny's brother Seymour.

14. What is the third eye?
(a) Healing.
(b) Love.
(c) Evil.
(d) God.

15. What color is the bathmat?
(a) Green.
(b) Blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Orange.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the second book in the series that Franny is reading?

2. What medical problem does Zooey have?

3. What does Zooey say that he and Franny are?

4. What kind of a skull does Zooey want when he is dead?

5. What is Franny's dream about?

(see the answer keys)

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