The Fourposter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fourposter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Agnes is in bed she swears she is comfortable, but then immediately changes her mind, saying what?
(a) She has a headache from a busy day.
(b) She is hungry and her stomach hurts.
(c) She is tipsy from the champagne.
(d) She is too hot and can smell gas.

2. What does Michael read to Agnes at the end of Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) The Bible.
(b) The new book he has started to write.
(c) His favorite childrens book.
(d) The daily newspaper.

3. When Agnes starts having labor pains, what is the first thing Michael does?
(a) Go into the bathroom to shave.
(b) Faint onto the fourposter bed.
(c) Complain about Agnes' timing.
(d) Frantically rush to get dressed for the doctor.

4. What is Agnes trying to prove by standing on one leg?
(a) That she is a wonderful dancer.
(b) That she is a bit tipsy from champagne.
(c) That she has terrific balance.
(d) That her legs are weak.

5. In Act 2, Scene 1, after Michael leaves and shuts the door, Agnes does what?
(a) Open the door and tells him to come back.
(b) Laugh hysterically.
(c) Lie in bed and cries.
(d) Follow after him out the door.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Michael say that his love has changed for Agnes in Act 2, Scene 1?

2. Why does Agnes say she is not yet ready to have the baby?

3. In Act 1, Scene 1, what scent does Michael tell Agnes is on his breath?

4. What is special about the condition of the linens on the fourposter bed in Act 2, Scene 1?

5. In Act 2, Scene 1, Agnes proclaims that she does not care about what fact?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Michael so scared of the birth of the baby?

2. What is Agnes' description of Michael's new found fame as an author?

3. What does Michael read to Agnes to help ease her labor pains?

4. Why is Agnes so melancholy at the start of Act 3, Scene 1?

5. Why does Michael complain that he is feeling horrible pains in Act 1, Scene 2?

6. What do both Agnes and Michael agree to do to calm down while waiting for their son to get home?

7. What is the setting of the beginning of Act 3, Scene 2?

8. What is the setting at the beginning of the play?

9. How is the relationship between Agnes and Michael at the very end of Act 2, Scene 2?

10. How do the words embroidered on the pillow affect the wedding night of Agnes and Michael?

(see the answer keys)

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