Four Quartets Test | Final Test - Medium

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Four Quartets Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the passengers watch widen behind them on the "deck of the drumming liner" in Part III of "The Dry Salvages"?
(a) The station.
(b) The rails.
(c) The horizon.
(d) The furrow.

2. "Our own past is covered," says the speaker of Part II of "The Dry Salvages," "by the currents of" what?
(a) History.
(b) Temporality.
(c) Action.
(d) Others.

3. The speaker of Part II of "The Dry Salvages" states that "the moments of" what "are likewise permanent"?
(a) Joy.
(b) Agony.
(c) Time.
(d) Revelation.

4. In the first line of Part III of "Little Gidding," it is said that there are how many "conditions which often look alike / Yet differ completely"?
(a) Nine.
(b) Four.
(c) Three.
(d) A hundred.

5. What is a synonymous word or phrase for the word "fructify," used in Part III of "The Dry Salvages"?
(a) Bear fruit.
(b) Solidify.
(c) Become sugar.
(d) Calcify.

Short Answer Questions

1. With regards to the past and future, right action is said to be what by the speaker in Part V of "The Dry Salvages"?

2. The speaker asserts in Part II of "The Dry Salvages" that there "is no end, but" what?

3. What, in Part IV of "Little Gidding," "descending breaks the air"?

4. The speaker says in Part I of "Little Gidding" that "this is the nearest, in place and time, / Now and in England." To what is "this" the nearest?

5. Which of the following are the passengers on the train, not said to be settled, in Part III of "The Dry Salvages"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is meant by the phrase, in Part V of "Little Gidding," "Every poem [is] an epitaph"?

2. Why is the "strong brown god" of Part I of "The Dry Salvages" "almost forgotten / By the dwellers in cities"?

3. Explain what is meant by the paradoxical statement in Part V of "The Dry Salvages," "music heard so deeply / That it is not heard at all."

4. How is "Time the destroyer" also "time the preserver," as stated in Part II of "The Dry Salvages"?

5. What is the "real destination" of the sailors, as described at the end of Part III of "The Dry Salvages"?

6. What characterizes the "gifts reserved for age" which the interlocutor of Part II of "Little Gidding" describes to the poem's speaker?

7. With whom does the speaker of Part II of "Little Gidding" converse, and what is their relationship to one another, on the literal level?

8. What does the speaker mean in Part I of "Little Gidding" when he states that "This is the spring time / But not in time's covenant"?

9. How can one be "redeemed from fire by fire," as is stated in Part IV of "Little Gidding"?

10. What is meant in Part III of "Little Gidding" by "We cannot revive old factions / We cannot restore old policies / Or follow an antique drum"?

(see the answer keys)

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