Forrest Gump Test | Final Test - Hard

Winston Groom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Forrest Gump Test | Final Test - Hard

Winston Groom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Forrest when he is arrested in Chapter 23?

2. Over the years, Forrest and Sue learn to communicate. What does Sue tell Forrest that is sad?

3. What does Forrest realize will happen if he loses to Sam in Chapter 15?

4. In Chapter 15, who do the pygmies decide to boil and eat for dinner?

5. Where does Forrest travel to by bus in Chapter 17, looking for a certain person?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the character, Mr. Tribble, who Forrest meets in Chapter 21.

2. Explain how Forrest first learns about the Grandmaster's Invitational Chess Tournament.

3. Recall what movie and film star Forrest gets to work with in Chapter 22.

4. Explain what Sam, the guerrilla fighter in New Guinea, advises Forrest and Fritch to do to save their lives from the pygmies.

5. Recall what Forrest begins to do in Chapter 18 to earn money.

6. In Chapter 13, explain what the crush of acceleration from the space shuttle reminds Forrest of.

7. Describe how Forrest and his fellow astronauts escape the pygmies.

8. Explain what Mr. Tribble does for Forrest before they part ways.

9. Describe what happens during Forrest's chess match with "Honest Ivan" Petrokivitch.

10. Describe what Forrest does to calm the ape Sue aboard the space shuttle.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

A lot of Forrest's experiences seem somewhat random. Explore the theme of randomness of Forrest's experiences in the novel. How are some of Forrest's experiences random? What is ironic about Forrest not living an ordinary life? Which experience seems the most random? Do things just happen to Forrest or does he strive for these different experiences?

Essay Topic 2

Analyze the use of motifs in literature and examine those used in Forrest Gump.

Part 1) Why are motifs so important to the story?

Part 2) What does a motif add to a story?

Part 3) How important are the motif's in Forrest Gump?

Essay Topic 3

Examine the theme of Forrest's unfaltering determination, particularly when it comes to Jenny. What is determination? How and why is this a quality that Forrest possesses? Why is Forrest so determined to find Jenny again and again? Why is she so important to him? How does Forrest's determination sometimes get him into trouble?

(see the answer keys)

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