For Your Eyes Only Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For Your Eyes Only Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can one not drink seriously in a French cafe according to Bond?
(a) French cafes are so jolly.
(b) It is illegal to drink seriously in a French cafe.
(c) The French are prudes about drinking.
(d) Out of doors on the pavement in the sun is no place for hard liquor.

2. What does Masters "settle" on to occupy is wife?
(a) Ice skating.
(b) Golf.
(c) Scuba.
(d) Tennis.

3. What kind of car does Russell drive?
(a) A Mustang.
(b) A battered Peugeot.
(c) A Corvette.
(d) A shiny BMW.

4. What is the Colonel's response to Gonzales' proposal?
(a) "I would sell it for half as much!"
(b) "You'll have to do better than that."
(c) "The property is not for sale."
(d) "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse."

5. What country is Harvey Miller from?
(a) America.
(b) Germany.
(c) England.
(d) Canada.

6. Why does the assassin wait until he is twenty yards away to shoot the rider?
(a) The assassin doesn't trust himself.
(b) The assassin wants to create a safety margin for himself.
(c) The assassin has bad eyesight.
(d) The assassin's gun is not very powerful.

7. What is Gonzales' signal to his "secretaries"?
(a) Gonzales laughs.
(b) Gonzales winks his left eye.
(c) Gonzales winks his right eye.
(d) Gonzales places his finger behind his back and snaps.

8. How does Mrs. Havelock occupy herself while she watches the birds?
(a) With her adventure novel.
(b) With her petit-point.
(c) With her record player.
(d) With her gin drinking.

9. Why does the assassin kill the dispatch-rider?
(a) To win a bet.
(b) To obtain the top-secret intelligence he carries.
(c) To avenge the death of his father.
(d) To satisfy his pathological urge to kill.

10. Why is Bond uncomfortable in the Office of Works drawing room?
(a) The room feels too hot.
(b) The furniture is too hard.
(c) The room feels too feminine.
(d) The room feels too cold.

11. What is Bond's general opinion of Judy?
(a) He finds her wonderful.
(b) He has little interest in her.
(c) He finds her suspicious.
(d) He finds her irritating.

12. How does Bond lure the assassin to him?
(a) Bond imitates the sound of a motorcycle engine.
(b) Bond learns the spies' secret password.
(c) Bond disguises himself as a Royal Corps of Signals dispatch-rider.
(d) Bond takes the assassin's cohort hostage.

13. What is the assassin disguised as?
(a) An Austrian folk dancer.
(b) A beautiful French woman.
(c) A Royal Corps of Signals dispatch-rider.
(d) A gypsy.

14. The Governor's voice holds an undertone of distaste for what aspect of Bond?
(a) His eagerness.
(b) His earthiness.
(c) His earnestness.
(d) His equanimity.

15. According to M, who is the only man in the fleet who does not know what to do?
(a) The commanding admiral.
(b) The cook.
(c) The firstmate.
(d) The midshipman.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Bond, what are the best things in America?

2. What happens to the Havelocks' bottles for Guavas?

3. How does Bond travel to Montreal?

4. Phillip Masters' affection for the Nigerians takes the place of his affection for whom?

5. Why is Bond frustrated by Rattray's news?

(see the answer keys)

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