Flaubert's Parrot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Flaubert's Parrot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what reason does Geoffrey read Flaubert?
(a) For improving his own writing.
(b) For pleasure.
(c) For self-examination.
(d) For research on the time period.

2. How does Flaubert feel about the organization of his ideas?
(a) He purposely lets ideas fall where they will.
(b) He is haphazard about organization about half the time.
(c) He wants others to organize his ideas for him.
(d) He puts everything into neat little categories.

3. Who actually carried out the trick that resulted in Flaubert's find at the top of the Great Pyramid?
(a) Flaubert.
(b) The translator.
(c) Du Camp.
(d) Nabakov.

4. The chronology is divided into three sections, the first of which deals with which of the following?
(a) Critical response to Flaubert's work.
(b) Details of Flaubert's life and successes.
(c) Flaubert's childhood.
(d) Flaubert's works.

5. In what way is Felicite completely different from Flaubert?
(a) She is inarticulate.
(b) She is lonely.
(c) She writes in a diary.
(d) She takes lovers.

6. What was Geoffrey's reaction to Ed's disposal of the letters?
(a) He was ambivalent.
(b) He felt Ed had done the morally correct decision.
(c) He was angry with Ed.
(d) He was thrilled.

7. What does Geoffrey think might be a reason why Flaubert refers to himself as a white bear?
(a) Because other bears have been used by humans, but not the white bear.
(b) Because he once had a stuffed white bear as a child.
(c) Because white bears are a symbol of goodness.
(d) Because other bears appear to often in literature.

8. About a year after their first meeting, Geoffrey agrees to meet with Ed for what reason?
(a) To exchange books.
(b) To discuss "Madame Bovary."
(c) To plan a trip to the Flaubert museums.
(d) To talk about some information Ed has obtained.

9. What is Geoffrey's marital status?
(a) He is a widower.
(b) He is divorced.
(c) He is single.
(d) He is married.

10. According to Geoffrey, what is included in Flaubert's dictionary along with a catalog of cliches and odd definitions?
(a) Fake advice.
(b) Songs.
(c) Farming tips.
(d) Forms for writing letters.

11. How did Flaubert first come to know Juliet Herbert?
(a) He met her at church.
(b) She was governess to Flaubert's niece.
(c) She was his sister-in-law.
(d) She was his mother's maid.

12. What did the greyhound and Flaubert have in common?
(a) They were both demanding.
(b) They both loved wine.
(c) They were both orphans.
(d) They were both ill at the same time.

13. Why does Geoffrey say that we cannot know everything about the past?
(a) Because it would confuse us.
(b) Because historians have conflicting ideas about the past.
(c) Because it would be impossible to take in everything.
(d) Because much of history has never been written down.

14. What was the attitude toward Flaubert of the Collier sisters who Flaubert met when he spent his summers in Trouville?
(a) Flaubert infuriated them.
(b) They ignored him and hoped he would leave.
(c) They laughed at him.
(d) They were infatuated with him,

15. What does Geoffrey say we need to respect about Flaubert even if we think him naive or unsuccessful?
(a) His legacy.
(b) His body of work.
(c) His philanthropy.
(d) His seriousness.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what diseases did Flaubert suffer?

2. Where does Geoffrey first meet Ed Winterton?

3. Which condition best describes Flaubert at his death?

4. Who was the owner of the dog that Flaubert took for walks and kissed?

5. What is Geoffrey's marital status?

(see the answer keys)

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