The Fixer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fixer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Yakov refuse to eat?
(a) He is fasting.
(b) He is not hungry.
(c) He is afraid.
(d) He is being poisoned.

2. What is the name of the new attorney that will represent Yakov during the trial?
(a) Suslov-Trosky.
(b) Suslov-Yakov.
(c) Suslov-Orlosky.
(d) Suslov-Smirnov.

3. As Chapter 8, Part 4 gets underway, who is coming to visit Yakov in prison?
(a) Zina.
(b) Nikolai.
(c) Raisl.
(d) The Tsar.

4. Yakov's visitor hands papers to Yakov during their visit. Who sends the papers with Yakov's visitor?
(a) The warden.
(b) The prosecutor.
(c) The defense attorney.
(d) The rabbi.

5. While the visitor and Yakov are together in Chapter 7, Part 6, what does the visitor scold Yakov for?
(a) Defeat.
(b) Hope.
(c) Envy.
(d) Pride.

6. When the warden finally delivers Yakov's indictment, how does Yakov describe the indictment?
(a) As fiction.
(b) As truthful.
(c) As dangerous.
(d) As fantastical.

7. According to new facts that are being learned about Zhenia's death, who is being further implicated in Zhenia's death?
(a) Marfa.
(b) Gronfein.
(c) Yakov.
(d) Nikolai.

8. When a newspaper writer reports all the factual details of the case, what does the government do?
(a) Burned the newspaper.
(b) Shut down the newspaper.
(c) Imprisoned the reporter.
(d) Shot the reporter.

9. In Yakov's visions, whom does he imagine himself having conversations with?
(a) The colonel.
(b) The prosecutor.
(c) The Tsar.
(d) The warden.

10. Whose death does Yakov tell his new attorney about?
(a) Bibikov's death.
(b) Shmuel's death.
(c) Zhitnyak's death.
(d) Zhenia's death.

11. Who does the person visiting Yakov sell beets to?
(a) Zhitnyak's uncle.
(b) Zhitnyak's brother.
(c) Zhitnyak's father.
(d) Zhitnyak's cousin.

12. With what does the prosecutor threaten Yakov while the two men are meeting?
(a) A body cavity search.
(b) A Jewish massacre.
(c) A trial postponement.
(d) New charges being added.

13. After Yakov's visitor runs screaming from his cell, what is confiscated from Yakov?
(a) The phylacteries.
(b) His prayer shawl.
(c) His New Testament.
(d) His Torah.

14. When Yakov throws something at the deputy warden, what does the deputy warden say that Yakov's act allows the deputy warden to do?
(a) Shoot Yakov.
(b) Whip Yakov.
(c) Search Yakov.
(d) Send Yakov to solitary confinement.

15. Which of Yakov's behaviors in prison does the new indictment describe?
(a) His sleeping habits.
(b) His exercise habits.
(c) His eating habits.
(d) His worship habits.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens as Yakov is pacing his cell after his new attorney departs?

2. Who does Yakov turn to for an explanation about the missing item?

3. What does Yakov's new attorney warn Yakov to do while they await the trial?

4. As Yakov envisions talking with the Tsar, what does Yakov imagine himself doing?

5. After reading the indictment, how does Yakov feel?

(see the answer keys)

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