The Fighting Ground Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fighting Ground Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What explanation does the Corporal offer for the boy's refusal to speak?
(a) He is deaf-mute.
(b) His tongue was cut out.
(c) He doesn't speak English.
(d) He is traumatized.

2. What helps Jonathan when he has trouble digging up the soil to bury the boy's parents?
(a) Wetting it down.
(b) Remembering his work on his father's fields.
(c) His determination to do the right thing.
(d) Thinking about the boy.

3. How does the boy respond the first time Jonathan asks about his parents?
(a) He says he doesn't know where they are.
(b) He is silent.
(c) He reveals their location.
(d) He cries.

4. What things does Jonathan discover in the house he and the Hessians find?
(a) A soft bed and a hearth.
(b) A broom, a shovel, and an ax.
(c) A cup, a plate, and a candle.
(d) Two tables and four chairs.

5. Why do the Hessians send Jonathan out of the house?
(a) To stand guard.
(b) To search for firewood.
(c) To hunt for food.
(d) To milk the cow.

6. What does the man who greets Jonathan at the campfire want to know?
(a) Why Jonathan does not have his gun.
(b) Where the Hessians took Jonathan.
(c) How Jonathan got away from the Hessians.
(d) Why Jonathan did not kill the Hessians.

7. What does the old Hessian do to Jonathan in response to Jonathan's advice about the soldiers outside?
(a) He tries to push Jonathan out the door.
(b) He gives Jonathan a gun to use against his own men.
(c) He shoots at Jonathan.
(d) He grabs Jonathan and uses him as a shield.

8. What do the men at the campfire give Jonathan to eat?
(a) Mush.
(b) Beans.
(c) Soup.
(d) Johnnycake.

9. What do the American soldiers do once Jonathan has shut himself inside the house?
(a) Run away.
(b) Yell for him to come out.
(c) Begin shooting from outside.
(d) Run inside shooting.

10. What does the old Hessian do to Jonathan in the house at night time?
(a) Ties Jonathan's ankle to a chair.
(b) Ties Jonathan's wrists.
(c) Ties Jonathan's wrist to his own.
(d) Ties Jonathan's ankle to his own.

11. What does Jonathan do when he gets inside the house where the Hessians have been sleeping?
(a) Shoots at them.
(b) Warns them about the Americans outside.
(c) Ties them up.
(d) Tells them it's safe to come out.

12. What does the Corporal yell to the Hessians from outside the house?
(a) Send Jonathan out and no one will be hurt!
(b) Surrender!
(c) Come out or we'll shoot!
(d) Stay inside and we'll let you live!

13. What request does Jonathan make of the Corporal when he wakes up?
(a) To go home.
(b) To take the boy to find his brother.
(c) To continue fighting.
(d) To be taught fighting techniques.

14. What does the boy do when he and Jonathan discover his dead parents?
(a) Plays with his mother's hair.
(b) Tries to revive them.
(c) Tells Jonathan what happened.
(d) Cries.

15. What does Jonathan tell the Hessians to do in response to the Corporal's shouts?
(a) To spare his life.
(b) To give up.
(c) To fight.
(d) To sacrifice his life for theirs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jonathan learn at the campfire about the boy's family?

2. What does Jonathan feel upon returning home?

3. What does the Corporal at the campfire know that surprises Jonathan?

4. How many American soldiers does Jonathan learn were killed or wounded in the battle?

5. Where does Jonathan find the child?

(see the answer keys)

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