Fate is the Hunter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fate is the Hunter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is O'Connor's lost flight located?
(a) By radio beacon.
(b) By advanced radar.
(c) Through Morse code.
(d) By flares.

2. How does Gann describe his home in Brazil?
(a) Small but clean.
(b) Simple and neat.
(c) A big beach home.
(d) Full of insects and vermin.

3. Where is Gann's flight from Honolulu headed after landing in Burbank?
(a) Ontario.
(b) Portland.
(c) Oakland.
(d) San Jose.

4. Initially, how does Gann view his new role flying on behalf of the military?
(a) He enjoys the freedom of it.
(b) He misses being a commercial pilot.
(c) He finds it too boring.
(d) He finds it too strict.

5. What does Gann finally find out was the cause of the vibrations on his flight in chapter 18?
(a) It was coming from a loose seat.
(b) The tail was new and needed to be broken in.
(c) A critical bolt was missing from the plane.
(d) A pigeon was in the cargo bay.

6. In Agra, Gann's plane was so overloaded, he almost what?
(a) Eject from the plane.
(b) Dump his cargo in an empty field.
(c) Had to land in the Indian Ocean.
(d) Crashed into the Taj Mahal.

7. Where is Steensville located?
(a) Edwards Island.
(b) Newfoundland.
(c) Nova Scotia.
(d) Quebec.

8. After being transferred back to Natal, Gann spends the next few months on what type of routes?
(a) Commercial trips.
(b) Short drop-offs.
(c) Long-haul missions.
(d) Stealth military routes.

9. What causes O'Connor's flight to be lost in Chapter 11?
(a) Poor navigational tools caused the flight to be lost.
(b) An enemy plane has shot down the flight.
(c) O'Connor fell asleep while flying, and the flight was lost.
(d) The flight is lost due to poor weather and ice.

10. How many days of searching have passed before O'Connor is located?
(a) Four days.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) One day.
(d) Two days.

11. In Chapter 11, Gann notes that he, as most pilots, flies between Goose Bay and which other stop?
(a) Nova Scotia.
(b) Prestwick, Scotland.
(c) Dublin.
(d) London, England.

12. Gann learns that in one day, how many planes are lost trying to fly over the Hump?
(a) 4.
(b) 7.
(c) 9.
(d) 1.

13. How is Dudley described in the novel?
(a) Meek.
(b) Very skilled.
(c) Friendly and well-meaning.
(d) Loud-talking.

14. Upon arrival in Iceland, the British Air Force tells Gann what action saved his plane from being found by enemy fighters?
(a) Their covert radio signals.
(b) Their climb to 11,000 feet.
(c) Their very low approach.
(d) Their silent landing.

15. Which notable military leader does Gann have the honor of flying?
(a) General Dwight Eisenhower.
(b) Captain John Dubois.
(c) General Mark Clark.
(d) Lieutenant Mark McAllister.

Short Answer Questions

1. By the time Gann's crew reaches Iceland, about how long have they been flying?

2. Gann begins flying for a new airline run by a man named Nelson. Where does this airline fly?

3. What were the deaths of the co-pilots and pilots who died during the DC-4 engine investigations attributed to?

4. After landing his plane in Burbank in chapter 18, Gann hears news of Coney and Willingham. What is that news?

5. What crew position does Grimes hold on Gann's flight from San Francisco to Honolulu?

(see the answer keys)

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