The Faerie Queene Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Faerie Queene Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Alma, the virgin ruler of the castle, welcome Arthur and Guyon so warmly?
(a) They disbanded the group of ruffians who were attacking the castle.
(b) She is a servant of Acrasia and wants to poison them at banquet.
(c) She knows that they took part in defeating Pyrochles and Cymochles.
(d) She is Archimago in disguise.

2. What gets in the way of the engagement between The Red Cross Knight and Una?
(a) The Red Cross Knight decided to live a life of celibacy and join the House of Holiness that helped him overcome his weaknesses.
(b) It is revealed that he has already pledged his hand to Druessa while she was pretending to be Fidessa.
(c) Una refuses his hand and declares her love for Arthur.
(d) Una's parents object to the match because of his lowly birth.

3. How is Orgoglio finally defeated?
(a) Sansloy defeats him thinking that it might be Archimago in disguise.
(b) The Red Cross Knight pretends to be dead, and then vanquishes Orgoglio when he turns away in vain triumph.
(c) Arthur reveals an extremely bright shield and conquers him.
(d) Duessa betrays him and stabs him from behind.

4. Why does Guyon collapse after being returned to the surface?
(a) He collapses out of relief for his life being spared.
(b) He sees a dragon and faints out of fear.
(c) He has had three days and nights with no food or sleep.
(d) He feels ashamed for his behavior with Mammon, and collapses in despair and shame.

5. What does the Dwarf find in the basement of The House of Pride?
(a) The bodies of those who would not leave because they had been overcome with pride.
(b) Mountains of gold and precious stones.
(c) Una trapped in a dungeon.
(d) An armory full of weapons of war and destruction.

6. What are the messages that Britomart finds in the two chambers?
(a) Be Great and Be Not Too Great.
(b) Be Wise and Be Not Too Wise
(c) Be Bold and Be Not Too Bold.
(d) Be Afraid and Be Not Too Afraid.

7. Why is Sir Scudamore so happy when Artegall cracks Britomart's helmet in battle?
(a) He sees for the first time that she is a woman.
(b) He sees her beauty and falls in love with her.
(c) It proves that she is not unbeatable.
(d) He hates Britomart and wants her to lose.

8. What stops Guyon from killing The Red Cross Knight?
(a) The Red Cross Knight is a better fighter and defends himself well.
(b) He decides to let the Red Cross Knight live as his slave instead.
(c) He cannot bring himself to strike to Red Cross.
(d) He hears a voice tell him to not harm The Red Cross Knight.

9. Why does Malbecco refuse to let the knights into his castle and make them sleep in the pig shed on the first night?
(a) He hates all knights because his father was killed by an evil knight.
(b) He was told in a dream that a group of knights would try to kill his wife.
(c) He fears that they may hurt him and his family.
(d) He does not like to let his wife meet new people.

10. What is Britomart's quest?
(a) To avenge the death of her brother.
(b) To regain the throne of her kingdom.
(c) To find Artegall, her future husband.
(d) To aid the plight of Una.

11. Why did Britomart become a knight?
(a) She preferred learnign to fight to the softer ways of women.
(b) Her father wanted her to be a boy, so raised her as one.
(c) She was forced to learn to fight because of the lack of able-bodied men in her kingdom.
(d) Her mother had seen a vision of her child bearing a spear and Britomart was her only child, so she had to fulfill it.

12. Why does Mammon return Guyon to the surface?
(a) Guyon offended him.
(b) Mammon grows to like Guyon too much to tempt him and enslave him.
(c) Guyon was disrespectful to Mammon's daughter.
(d) Guyon did not submit to any of the temptations offered him.

13. Why did Phedon kill his best friend and his betrothed?
(a) He killed them by mistake thinking they were his enemies.
(b) Philemon tricked Phedon into thinking that Claribell had been unfaithful.
(c) His best friend had killed his brother in a duel that his fiancee arranged.
(d) Claribel and Philemon tried to kill him.

14. Who does Britomart defeat without recognizing?
(a) Braggadochio.
(b) Blandamour.
(c) The Red Cross Knight.
(d) Artegall.

15. Why does Sansjoy challenge The Red Cross Knight to a duel?
(a) He hates any righteous person and wants to stamp out the faith of the Knight.
(b) He wants to avenge the hurts he caused Una.
(c) He is in love with the Knight's new traveling companion, Duessa.
(d) The Red Cross Knight killed his brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the witch do to calm his son down after Florimell runs away?

2. What does Maleger ride as he comes to attack the castle?

3. Why does Guyon fight The Red Cross Knight?

4. Who does Una come across in her distress that gives her hope?

5. What causes Una to faint numerous times?

(see the answer keys)

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