Excalibur: A Novel of Arthur Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Excalibur: A Novel of Arthur Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What occupation does Derfel take after his battling is done?
(a) Clerk.
(b) Banker.
(c) Historian.
(d) Scribe.

2. Where does Cerdic escape when the third group of men attacks?
(a) By the river.
(b) Into the woods.
(c) To the west.
(d) To the east.

3. How does Arthur respond to the request for Excalibur?
(a) He angrily refuses.
(b) He gives it willingly.
(c) He puts a spell of protection on it first.
(d) He laughs.

4. What season does Derfel set out on his mission?
(a) Fall.
(b) Winter.
(c) Spring.
(d) Summer.

5. Who does Derfel send a message to when he is trapped by the Saxon armies?
(a) Bors.
(b) Galahad.
(c) Merlin.
(d) Arthur.

6. What are the crosses on the shields symbolic of?
(a) Christianity.
(b) Paganism.
(c) Alliance.
(d) Victory.

7. Who does Derfel take with him when he evacuates after the Saxon attack?
(a) Guinevere.
(b) Caierwyn.
(c) Gwyndre.
(d) Argante.

8. What breaks the shield line of the Saxons when Derfel and his men are trapped?
(a) Flaming arrow volleys.
(b) A naked woman.
(c) Children carrying white flags.
(d) A burning wagon.

9. What is Merlin?
(a) A wizard.
(b) A sorcerer.
(c) A magician.
(d) A Druid.

10. How do Arthur's men feel about putting crosses on their shield?
(a) Angry.
(b) Willing.
(c) Hesitant.
(d) Relieved.

11. What does Arthur congratulate Derfel for after saving him?
(a) Finding a suitable fortress.
(b) His good defense.
(c) Catching him in time.
(d) Staying alive.

12. Who guards the place where Merlin speaks with the gods?
(a) Arthur's knights.
(b) Black spear men.
(c) Druid warriors.
(d) Magical weavers.

13. What is the naked woman in Domnoia carrying?
(a) A cross bow.
(b) A flag.
(c) A knife.
(d) A sword.

14. Who shows Derfel the Temple of Mithras?
(a) Arthur.
(b) Merlin.
(c) Bors.
(d) Gawain.

15. What is the official religion of Britain at the time of this book?
(a) Paganism.
(b) Catholicism.
(c) Christianity.
(d) Druidism.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the occupation of the narrator of this book?

2. What is leading the third group of men in support of Derfel against the Saxons?

3. What are the Saxon armies preparing to do when they are attacked?

4. Why does Arthur send Derfel to converse with the Saxon King?

5. What is the name of Arthur's son?

(see the answer keys)

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