Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many sons does Andy have with his ex-wife Lori?
(a) 1.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 0.

2. Once Evvie uses a particular object to prop open the door between the main house and Dean's apartment, they begin to only close the door on which occasions?
(a) In the mornings.
(b) On days when Dean was traveling.
(c) If the house was too cold.
(d) At night.

3. Which character asks Evvie many questions about Dean on Thanksgiving Day?
(a) Monica.
(b) Dean.
(c) Andy.
(d) Kell.

4. Tim's mother Lila always smells of what scent, according to Evvie?
(a) Lavender.
(b) Mothballs.
(c) Chanel No 5.
(d) Roses.

5. With what items is the suitcase in the prologue decorated?
(a) Stickers.
(b) Ribbons.
(c) Graffiti.
(d) Luggage tags.

Short Answer Questions

1. Evvie's favorite client is a woman named "Nona Powell Brown, a professor at" (26) which university?

2. Evvie reveals that she took what action in high school in order to ensure that Tim would be valedictorian?

3. Dean tells Andy that he had seen how many sports psychologists in total in an effort to regain his skills in the sport of baseball?

4. Who is Andy?

5. What television show is the shared guilty pleasure of Evvie and Dean once he moves into the apartment?

Short Essay Questions

1. Provide evidence for the conclusion that Evvie had been frightened of her husband Tim during their marriage.

2. Name and discuss one coping mechanism Evvie used to make it through her days during her marriage to Tim.

3. Discuss an instance when Tim's actions resulted in trauma to Evvie.

4. For what major change is Evvie preparing when the reader first meets her in the prologue entitled First?

5. When Dean expresses his appreciation to Evvie at the end of Fall: Chapter 5, what two specific elements does he name?

6. Name and discuss a second coping mechanism Evvie used to combat the feelings inspired by her unhappy marriage, according to the narrator.

7. Which comment of Frank's makes Evvie furious during Thanksgiving dinner and why?

8. What agreement do Evvie and Dean make at the end of Fall: Chapter 4?

9. In what way is the motif of dreams used to depict Evvie's feelings of guilt in Fall: Chapter 1?

10. How did Dean end up attending Cornell, according to him?

(see the answer keys)

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