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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In the story "The Comforts of Home," why does Thomas threaten to leave his mother's home?
2. In the story "Everything That Rises Must Converge," which of the following is not an action Julian considers to teach his mother a lesson?
3. In the story "Judgment Day," where does Tanner think the black man living in his daughter's building originates from?
4. In the story "The Comforts of Home," what nickname does Star give Thomas?
5. In the story "Greenleaf," what does Scofield do for a living?
Short Essay Questions
1. In the story "Judgment Day," what do the two notes that Tanner writes instruct their readers to do?
2. In the story "The Comforts of Home," what motivates Thomas' mother to help Star?
3. In the story "Judgment Day," what does Tanner say will happen on judgment day?
4. In the story "Greenleaf," why does Mrs. May decide to have Mr. Greenleaf shoot the bull?
5. In the story "Revelation," why does Mrs. Turpin continue to repeat the phrase "there's a heap of things worse than a nigger"?
6. In "The Lame Shall Enter First," how does Norton react when Rufus tells him about hell? Why?
7. In the story "Everything That Rises Must Converge," why is Julian so disgusted with his mother?
8. In the story "A View of the Woods," what does Fortune notice about the woods in front of the Pitts' home on the night before he sells the lot?
9. In "The Lame Shall Enter First," what draws Sheppard to Rufus Johnson?
10. In the story "Parker's Back," what things does Parker say his wife does not approve of?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
One of the recurrent topics in the collection of short stories "Everything That Rises Must Converge" is race relations in the U.S. Select three of the stories dealing with this topic and:
1) explain what the story says about race relations;
2) demonstrate how this idea is developed in the story.
Then explain what you think Flannery O'Connor's overall commentary on race is in the novel as a whole.
Be sure to use specific examples from the stories to support your ideas.
Essay Topic 2
Because "Everything That Rises Must Converge" is a collection of independent short stories there is no one main character in the novel. However, there are some characters that seem to have a stronger presence than others. Select three characters you see as the main characters in the novel and:
1) describe the characters;
2) make an argument for why each is a main character;
3) describe what the novel would be like without these characters.
Be sure to use specific examples from the stories to support your ideas.
Essay Topic 3
For each story in "Everything That Rises Must Converge" there is a "partner" story in the collection. Select two stories that you believe "fit" together and write an essay:
1) describing each story;
2) demonstrating how the two "fit" together;
3) explain what commentary the author is trying to make through these companion stories.
Be sure to use specific examples from the stories to support your ideas.
This section contains 1,044 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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