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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 34, the author writes, "A book no more contains ____ than a clock contains time."
2. On how many pillows does Sissy sleep in Chapter 11?
3. Who does Big Red say is at fault for leaking out the word of the Chink in Chapter 46?
4. What does Robbins describe as the protagonist's "way of life" and calling?
5. How many times does Sissy come to the ranch in Chapter 4?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is Julian's reaction when Sissy contacts him in Part Three? What actions does this prompt Sissy to take?
2. What interaction takes place between Sissy and Ms. Leonard in the novel?
3. What history of the area does Mrs. Schrieber give Sissy in Chapter 32?
4. What is the first memory that Sissy has as a child? How did this affect her choices in life?
5. What does Miss Adrian tell Sissy of the problems on the ranch after her arrival in Part Three?
6. What is the relationship between Delores and Sissy and the other cowgirls in Part Three of the novel?
7. What problems is the Countess having with the cowgirls in Part Two that he asks Sissy for assistance with?
8. How much time has elapsed between Parts One and Two of the novel? What has taken place in the interim?
9. When does Sissy first hear from the Countess in the novel? Why does he contact her?
10. Who do Sissy's parents take her to see regarding her deformity first, when she is an adolescent? What is his reaction?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Compare Sissy's relationship with Bonanza Jellybean to her relationship with Julian. How does Sissy feel differently about each, and why?
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the themes of order and disorder in nature and wisdom and self-enlightenment in Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. What symbolism does the author use to reinforce these themes?
Essay Topic 3
Define the terms exposition, rising action, climax, and falling action in literature and define where each takes place in Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.
This section contains 884 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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