Esperanza Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

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Esperanza Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Mr. Yakota?
(a) The doctor's nephew.
(b) The market owner.
(c) The strike organizer.
(d) The foreman.

2. In Chapter 7, What is one thing that Esperanza does NOT say she will pray for?
(a) To make friends.
(b) For a piece of coconut candy.
(c) For Abuelita to get well.
(d) For Abuelita to be able to get her money from the bank.

3. With regard to strikers, what have Miguel's experiences been?
(a) He experiences the same insults for crossing the picket line.
(b) He crosses the picket line without any unpleasantness.
(c) He experiences much worse insults for crossing the picket line.
(d) He is friendly with the strikers.

4. When Esperanza and her mother are together in Chapter 7, what does Mama confess she misses?
(a) Her servants.
(b) Her dresses.
(c) Her garden.
(d) Her house.

5. At the market, what does Esperanza buy to give to her mother?
(a) A pinata.
(b) A robe.
(c) Socks.
(d) A sweater.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Esperanza discover when she opens her valise?

2. In Chapter 10, Miguel gets a new job. Where is this job?

3. What object does Esperanza remove from her valise to give to Isabel?

4. Chapter 10 is entitled "The Avocados." What is the significance of the avocados in this chapter?

5. The title of Chapter 8 is Las Ciruelas, the plums. What is the significance of the plums in this chapter?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what way is Mama's illness a commentary on the working conditions of the migrant workers?

2. In Chapter 9, before Mama is in the hospital, how does the reader see that her illness affects all?

3. What is the significance of Esperanza's visit to the hospital on Christmas Day?

4. Chapter 10 is entitled Los Aguacates, the avocados. Why is this a meaningful title for this particular chapter?

5. How does the short, intimate exchange Mama and Esperanza have after the jamaica effect Esperanza's mood?

6. At the end of the Chapter 7, Esperanza prays. How do her prayers reveal the subtle change she is beginning to make?

7. How does Esperanza's babysitting skills progress as Chapter 8 develops?

8. How does Miguel's attitude toward his job being taken away differ from Esperanza's position about this injustice?

9. As Miguel and Esperanza drive to the market, what does Esperanza notice, apparently for the first time about herself?

10. What is significant about Esperanza giving beans to the man at Marta's camp?

(see the answer keys)

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