Elizabeth I Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Somerset
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elizabeth I Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Somerset
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Anne Boleyn after her trial for adultery?
(a) She was sent to France.
(b) She was imprisoned.
(c) She was hung.
(d) She was beheaded.

2. When did Darnley marry Mary?
(a) July 19, 1565.
(b) July 2, 1565.
(c) July 29, 1565.
(d) July 9, 1565.

3. What terms were in the treaty between France and England over Scotland?
(a) Mary would leave England.
(b) Mary would marry Lord Dudley.
(c) Mary would renounce the Scottish throne.
(d) Mary would not claim the English throne.

4. Who was the only person without any stigma of illegitimacy that could have access the throne?
(a) Philip of Spain.
(b) The Dowager Queen.
(c) Mary of the Scots.
(d) James of Scots.

5. What did Elizabeth I decide her husband had to be, according to Chapter 4?
(a) A widower.
(b) British.
(c) Catholic.
(d) Of royal blood.

6. What did Cecil think was the only solution to squash Mary's claim to the throne?
(a) To grant her a divorce.
(b) To execute her.
(c) To marry.
(d) To name her illegitimate.

7. What did Elizabeth I say she would refuse to give her husband?
(a) A house.
(b) Money.
(c) The right to have mistresses.
(d) Any of her power.

8. When was the rebellion against Mary planned?
(a) March 1554.
(b) February 1554.
(c) June 1554.
(d) April 1554.

9. Why was there an interest in Elizabeth I marrying?
(a) She was getting old.
(b) She refused to name a successor.
(c) She was not able to have children.
(d) She was ill.

10. What did women in the 16th century have little of?
(a) Rights.
(b) Power.
(c) Will.
(d) Money.

11. Who was France's regent in 1562?
(a) Catherine of Aquitaine.
(b) Catherine of Valois.
(c) Catherine de Medicis.
(d) Catherine of Aragon.

12. Why did Leicester want Mary to marry Darnley?
(a) Leicester wanted to prevent Darnley from marrying Elizabeth.
(b) Darnley was under his control.
(c) He didn't want to be paired with Mary.
(d) Leicester wanted to marry Darnley's sister.

13. When did Queen Dowager die?
(a) 1547.
(b) 1546.
(c) 1548.
(d) 1549.

14. In what did Elizabeth I retain her independence from the Privy Council?
(a) Policy making.
(b) Finding a spouse.
(c) Vetoing decisions.
(d) Running Parliament.

15. What did Parliament do after meeting in 1553?
(a) Reinstated Catholicism as the official religion.
(b) Revoked Henry VIII's divorce of Catherine of Aragon.
(c) Revoked Elizabeth's right to the throne.
(d) Banished Mary from England.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Henry VIII marry in January 1533?

2. Why was the planned rebellion against Mary moved up by two months?

3. Where did Elizabeth I stay after living in the Tower for a week?

4. What was the name of the daughter of Catherine of Aragon?

5. How old was Elizabeth when she was crowned Queen?

(see the answer keys)

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