Elbow Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elbow Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the narrator head for the East?
(a) He is obliged to go there.
(b) It is softer there.
(c) This is the new Mecca and he is drawn there.
(d) Words have detached from emotion and passion.

2. About what does the woman who sits next to the Fosters complain?
(a) The people with whom she has to eat.
(b) The countries visited.
(c) The food.
(d) The lack of conversation.

3. Why does Harold say that his prices have to be higher in some stores than others?
(a) Because he needs to make more money.
(b) To help all people achieve equality.
(c) Because his investments are higher.
(d) So that he does not go bankrupt.

4. What does Daniel warn Paul about his daughter?
(a) Not to believe what she says.
(b) Not to treat her like a plaything.
(c) Not to take advantage of her.
(d) Not to let her forget her heritage.

5. Which of the following is not something the Asians report missing?
(a) Eurail passes.
(b) Travelers' checks.
(c) Passports.
(d) Computer.

6. Where does the narrator believe is the safest possible place?
(a) God.
(b) Heaven.
(c) Love.
(d) Church.

7. In the story, what is said to be the only one book that offers a suitable religion for businessmen?
(a) Bible.
(b) Koran.
(c) Torah.
(d) Writings.

8. For what does Nelson claim to be a sucker?
(a) The white man's supremacy.
(b) The belief that things will change.
(c) Harold's price schemes.
(d) Words of Jesus.

9. Who did Charles harm?
(a) His brother.
(b) His wife.
(c) His employer.
(d) His father.

10. When do the Germans insist on visiting?
(a) During their communions.
(b) First thing in the morning.
(c) After their favorite television shows.
(d) When only senior citizens are home.

11. Why does the character Paul Frost, leave Kansas?
(a) To avoid being drafted.
(b) To see other parts of the country.
(c) To work in a mental hospital.
(d) To move in with his girlfriend.

12. Why was the narrator's favorite waitress fired?
(a) For talking more than working.
(b) For preaching to the customers.
(c) For not sharing in the side work.
(d) For overcharging customers.

13. To what does the author say that great myths have been reduced?
(a) Great literature.
(b) Whores.
(c) Humor.
(d) Folklore.

14. Who reminded Rogers of a disturbance caused by Charles previously?
(a) Grant.
(b) Johnson.
(c) Piknett.
(d) Ex-secretary.

15. Who does the narrator say work in the neighborhood?
(a) Marketers who do not listen.
(b) Liars and cheats.
(c) A variety of evangelists.
(d) Non-believers and truthsayers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Redeemer's friends say about the Bible?

2. How does Rogers characterize Charles's talent?

3. To what are Leon and Eunice summoned?

4. What does the narrator ask the missionaries to tell him without looking in their Bibles?

5. What do the people chant?

(see the answer keys)

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