Eisenhower: Soldier and President Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eisenhower: Soldier and President Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Eisenhower decide would need to happen for him to run for President?
(a) The Russians would have to attack another country unprovoked.
(b) Richard Nixon would have to be his running mate.
(c) To become clear it was his duty to run.
(d) Truman would have to renounce to seek reelection.

2. What were the names of Eisenhower's parents?
(a) John and Ida.
(b) David and Sophie.
(c) David and Ida.
(d) Mark and Sophie.

3. Who did Eisenhower's hesitation allow to escape in the battle mentioned in Chapter 4?
(a) Westphal.
(b) Kesselring.
(c) Rommel.

4. What were Truman's feelings about Eisenhower after his election?
(a) He was happy for Eisenhower.
(b) He did not think Eisenhower could handle the presidency.
(c) He thought Eisenhower made a mistake in choosing Nixon.
(d) He thought Eisenhower was too soft on Communists.

5. Who worked to have Eisenhower's son, John, come back for his father's inauguration?
(a) Eisenhower himself.
(b) President Truman.
(c) Nixon.
(d) The Chief of Staff of President Truman.

6. What was everyone looking for Eisenhower to do in 1948?
(a) Make peace with Stalin.
(b) Retire.
(c) Run for President.
(d) Win the Korean War.

7. What did Truman think of Eisenhower's political loyalties before the election?
(a) He was unaffiliated.
(b) He was a Republican.
(c) He was a Democrat.
(d) He was a libertarian.

8. Why did Eisenhower request to return to the U.S. in 1939?
(a) He could not handle the heat of the Philippines.
(b) He wanted to be promoted.
(c) He thought war was coming.
(d) His wife was sick.

9. What cost the allies dearly, according to the start of Chapter 7?
(a) The German counter offensive in the Ardennes.
(b) Patton's insubordination.
(c) Eisenhower's incompetance.
(d) Eisenhower's tolerance of Montgomery's insubordination.

10. What happened after Eisenhower assumed total command over the land base operations?
(a) The battle was lost.
(b) The Allies were put back at sea.
(c) The battle turned in favor of the Allies.
(d) Germany surrendered.

11. What did Eisenhower try to do with the press during his first term?
(a) Have them shut down.
(b) Have Mamie off limits.
(c) Have them ignore McCarthy.
(d) Have them unsure of where he stands.

12. Who did Eisenhower talk about the importance of NATO with?
(a) Johnson.
(b) Taft.
(c) Nixon.
(d) Truman.

13. What was Eisenhower too lenient with, according to Chapter 5?
(a) British lower grade equipment.
(b) Problems with the supply lines.
(c) Patton's arrogance.
(d) British resistance to following his orders.

14. Where did the Allies land in France?
(a) Vaucluse.
(b) Bordeaux.
(c) Normandy.
(d) Pas de Calais.

15. What did Chapter 9 say Eisenhower was bombarded with since the end of the war?
(a) Death threats.
(b) Requests to run for president.
(c) Love letters.
(d) Requests for interviews.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did President Truman ask Eisenhower to do in Chapter 9?

2. During what battle did Eisenhower's hesitation almost cost him victory in Chapter 4?

3. What was over at the start of Chapter 8?

4. What postponed the invasion of France for several days?

5. What did Eisenhower think of his new role as president?

(see the answer keys)

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