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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Which of the following is not a figure that Mortimer Senior cites in describing great men with obsessive companions?
2. What skill does the first poor man who approaches Gaveston for preferment possess?
3. What are the nobles doing with the writ of exile at the beginning of Scene 4?
4. With whom does Edward accuse Isabella of being too familiar?
5. Which of the nobles wounds Gaveston in this scene?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe the private pleading Mortimer Junior and Lancaster make to Edward.
2. Describe Edward and Gaveston's parting in Scene 4.
3. How does Edward's support change in Scene 2?
4. Why does Spencer Junior send Levune to France at the end of Act 3?
5. How does Isabella's position on Gavestone change during her soliloquy?
6. Describe Isabella's and Edward III's reception in France.
7. What is Margaret and Spencer's plan at the end of Scene 1?
8. How do Matrevis and Gurney mistreat Edward II in Scene 3?
9. How does Edward react to Leicester's departure?
10. What fate befalls the nobles in Scene 3?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The play of Edward II focuses on the scripture of the English class system, in which people are born into their station and social mobility is looked upon with disdain. Focusing on three characters, write an essay on social mobility in the play. How does each character view himself in the pecking order? How does he seek to improve his station? What is his attitude toward the system as a whole?
Part 1) Gaveston
Part 2) Mortimer Junior
Part 3) Spencer Junior and Baldock
Essay Topic 2
Edward III, the young prince of Marlowe's play, is portrayed as the closest thing to a hope for the future of England. Write an essay about this supporting but imperative character, his initial hesitancy to take power and his eventual moral rectitude int he final moments of the play. In the essay focus on the plot points: his journey to France with Isabella, his feeble defense of Kent, and his confrontation with Mortimer and his mother. How do these points demonstrate a strong character journey?
Essay Topic 3
In Marlowe's medieval England, murder is a carefully chosen and strategically effective means for altering the political dynamics of the realm. Write an essay about the key murders of the play and their effects in three parts:
Part 1) What are the noble's essential issues with Gaveston, and what other tactics do they attempt before murdering him? What is the final straw for the nobles, and what do they achieve with Gaveston's murder?
Part 2) Who decides that Kent must die, and how does he go about accomplishing this end? What is Kent's role in the political world of Edward II, and how does his removal change the dynamic?
Part 3) The murder of a king i s a major decision, rife with awful possibilities. Why do Isabella and Mortimer Junior decide to have Edward II killed after he is deposed? What do they hope to achieve? What is the ultimate result of this murder?
This section contains 999 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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