The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is the best explanation for the author's inclusion of Granpa's story about the "Farm in the Clearing" in the novel?
(a) To show how important it is to prevent people from capturing land.
(b) To show that whenever authorities get involved in a situation, they make it bad.
(c) To show that Granpa was once a boy living freely on the land.
(d) To show that despite the difference between ethnic groups, individuals share admirable human qualities.

2. Why does Little Tree describe Fall as nature's grace time?
(a) It is the time to give thanks for nature's grace.
(b) It is the time to prepare for Christmas.
(c) It is the time to say extra prayers for a safe winter.
(d) It is a time to put things in order, to remember, and to regret things that weren't accomplished.

3. In what way do the events in Chapter 18 represent a major turning point in the novel?
(a) It begins the situation that turns Little Tree against his grandparents.
(b) It sets in motion a series of events that will bring an end to Little Tree's life with his grandparents.
(c) It starts the legal battle between the state and Granpa for Little Tree.
(d) It is the beginning of Little Tree's life as a teenager.

4. What evidence is given in Chapter 16 that there is prejudice even in the church?
(a) The Cherokee have to stand at the back door and listen to the service.
(b) The preacher gives preferential treatment to the rich Episcopalian family who gives a whole dollar for collection.
(c) Cherokee children are not allowed at Sunday School.
(d) The Episcopalians are the only ones who can participate in decisions about the church.

5. How do the events in Chapter 12 demonstrate the importance of Granma's knowledge of plants and herbs?
(a) It helps to stop Little Tree's arm from swellling.
(b) It soothes Granpa's bear bite.
(c) It helps her to save someone's life.
(d) It stops Little Tree's bleeding.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the author imply might be the reason for the special bond that exists between Mr. Wine and Little Tree's family?

2. Which of the following is the best alternate title for Chapter 14?

3. In teaching Little Tree, how does Mr. Wine reinforce Granma's lessons about the spirit-mind and the body-mind?

4. According to the news heard in Chapter 11, what is causing people in New York to die?

5. In Chapter 12, how does the author demonstrate Granpa's respect for the animals?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Little Tree's love of nature help him through the misery he feels at the orphanage?

2. What are the early symbols in Chapter 20 of Little Tree's excitement that he is home from the orphanage?

3. Give an example from Chapter 12 of how well the author uses vivid description to convey a picture of Spring to the reader.

4. How do Granpa and Little Tree continue to make sure that as much as possible is learned from Little's Tree loss in the calf purchase?

5. What are the main purposes served by the incident in which Granpa is bitten by the rattlesnake?

6. Write a short character sketch of Mr. Wine and summarize his role in the story.

7. Give a brief summary of the events related by Granpa that lead to Little Tree's return from the orphanage.

8. In what way does the title of Chapter 18 foreshadow the events that occur in it?

9. What are the author's reasons for introducing the sharecropper and his daughter to the reader?

10. How does this episode on the old farm symbolize both the cruelty and generosity observed by Granpa in his youth?

(see the answer keys)

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