The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the news heard in Chapter 11, what is causing people in New York to die?
(a) They are killing themselves by jumping off roofs.
(b) Severe snow storms.
(c) A serious epidemic that causes depression.
(d) Overcrowding and the spread of illnesses.

2. In Chapter 15, how does Granma reassure Little Tree that his birth time is special and he will never be alone?
(a) She tells him he was born in the Spring so he will always have nature bursting out to keep his company.
(b) She explains that his birth time makes Summer his season and his company will always be the trees, birds, rain, and water that love him.
(c) She tells him he was born in Summer and the sun will always be his companion.
(d) She tells him he was born in the Spring and the bees buzzing around the new flowers will be his company.

3. In regard to the family that Granpa sees facing hardships on the farm, what do Granpa and the soldiers have in common?
(a) They are prejudiced against the black man at the farm.
(b) They believe they have no right to be there.
(c) They are concerned about the children.
(d) They are motivated to provide help.

4. How does Mr. Wine's death shed light on the previous incident in which he prays and then walks away without acknowledging Little Tree's gratitude for the yellow coat?
(a) It makes it clear that Mr. Wine knows he is about to die and has no relatives to tell.
(b) It makes it clear that Mr. Wine wants to die alone.
(c) It makes it clear that Mr. Wine knows he is going to die and wants to express his special feeling for Little Tree.
(d) It makes it clear that Mr. Wine is losing his mind.

5. How does Little Tree's education and instincts about nature get him into trouble at the orphanage?
(a) He tells the teacher that the trees and the winds can communicate with him.
(b) He explains to the teacher that the dogs in the courtyard are mating.
(c) He explains to the teacher that the deer in a picture are mating.
(d) He tells the teacher that the mourning dove is a sign of death.

Short Answer Questions

1. What evidence is given in Chapter 16 that there is prejudice even in the church?

2. What is unusual about the type of church that Little Tree's family attends?

3. How does the author establish Granma's resourcefulness in Chapter 12?

4. In the incident with the two men from Chattanooga, how does Little Tree demonstrate that he is becoming clever and less trusting?

5. What is the importance of the way Chapter 12 ends?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what way does the title of Chapter 18 foreshadow the events that occur in it?

2. What are the author's reasons for introducing the sharecropper and his daughter to the reader?

3. Give an example from Chapter 12 of how well the author uses vivid description to convey a picture of Spring to the reader.

4. Write a short character sketch of Mr. Wine and summarize his role in the story.

5. Identify two specific lessons that Little Tree learns from his family and that are reinforced by Mr. Wine.

6. During an incident in Chapter 13, poor people on the farm in the clearing are harassed and killed by government authorities. What part does this incident play in the novel?

7. Give a brief summary of the events related by Granpa that lead to Little Tree's return from the orphanage.

8. How does Little Tree's love of nature help him through the misery he feels at the orphanage?

9. What purpose does Willow John serve in the novel?

10. In what ways does the author communicate to the reader the growing fear and grief experienced by Granpa, Granma and Little Tree at the prospect of their separation?

(see the answer keys)

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