Dust Tracks on a Road Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dust Tracks on a Road Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is uncommon amongst whites and Yankees in Zora's opinion?
(a) Knowledge of farms.
(b) Creativity.
(c) Use of colorful metaphor.
(d) Compassion.

2. What did Zora's relationship with P.M.P try?
(a) Her talent.
(b) Her nature.
(c) Her sanity.
(d) Her bank account.

3. In looking back on her relationship with P.M.P, Zora doesn't feel what?
(a) Nostalgic.
(b) Happy.
(c) Resentful.
(d) Anything.

4. What did the students call Dr. Boas?
(a) Dr. Boas.
(b) Big Brother.
(c) Harrold.
(d) Papa.

5. What kind of men was Zora attracted to?
(a) Men with children.
(b) Wealthy men.
(c) Older men.
(d) Artistic men.

Short Answer Questions

1. Around whom was Fanny Hurst usually found?

2. Because of their findings, Zora equates mining with ___________.

3. How did Big Sweet get her name?

4. What role did Big Sweet play in Zora's life?

5. What did the miners in Polk find in the mines?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Zora address "the race problem" in her work? Why does she approach it as she does?

2. What was special about John Hurston's portrait of hell?

3. In Zora's early romantic life, what was her nature? Why was she this way?

4. Did Zora find that there is a quintessential black person? A white person?

5. Why was Zora's new writing career challenging for her financially? How did she overcome it?

6. When is the phrase "My people! My people!" used and why?

7. Were Zora's school and work life beginning to blend at Barnard? Was this a good combination for her?

8. Was Leon Walter Young notorious? Why?

9. How are Big Sweet and Zora similar?

10. Why did Zora's relationships fail?

(see the answer keys)

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