The Duchess of Malfi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Duchess of Malfi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What secret does Antonio tell Delio in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) That he is a spy for Ferdinand.
(b) That he is secretly a prince.
(c) That he is stealing from the Duchess.
(d) That he and the Duchess have married in secret.

2. How does Bosola treat the old lady who he meets in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) With contempt and rudeness
(b) With surprise and excitement
(c) With manners and respect
(d) With sadness and grief

3. How many children does the Duchess have when Act 3 opens?
(a) Four
(b) Two
(c) One, but it died
(d) Three

4. What confirmed information does Bosola have in Act 2, Scene 2, that he didn't have before?
(a) That the Duchess's brothers are on their way back.
(b) That the Duchess is pregnant.
(c) That Antonio is stealing from the Duchess.
(d) That the Duchess and Antonio are married.

5. Why is the Old Lady in such a hurry?
(a) She is helping the Duchess give birth.
(b) She is trying to meet Bosola secretly before he leaves.
(c) She is helping the Duchess flee in the night.
(d) She is trying to find Bosola to get her revenge on him.

6. What does Bosola give to the Duchess to try to find out the truth about her "condition"?
(a) Plums
(b) Cherries
(c) Apples
(d) Apricots

7. In Act 1, Scene 1, which of the following men is described as very honest?
(a) Antonio
(b) The Cardinal
(c) Bosola
(d) Ferdinand

8. What is the relationship between the Duchess and Antonio?
(a) They truly love each other.
(b) They have children together.
(c) They are married in secret.
(d) All answers listed here are correct.

9. Ferdinand believes the Duchess's reputation is ruined because:
(a) Antonio has been stealing from her, and she never figured it out.
(b) No one knows she is married, so it doesn't matter if she's secretly married or not.
(c) She is out of money.
(d) She has had so many children so young.

10. The Duchess believes her reputation to be safe because:
(a) Her brothers have a good reputation.
(b) She is in fact married, even if it's a secret.
(c) She has never lied to anyone.
(d) She is very wealthy.

11. What does Ferdinand promise to do upon hearing the news?
(a) Kill the Duchess, her lover, and her child .
(b) Never speak to the Duchess again.
(c) Send money to the Duchess.
(d) Visit the Duchess as soon as possible.

12. What causes Antonio to be suspicious of Bosola?
(a) The lyrics of a song Bosola is singing
(b) Bosola's wandering around the palace after everyone was supposed to stay in their rooms.
(c) How Bosola is dressed.
(d) The book Bosola is reading.

13. Which of the following characters are all related?
(a) Ferdinand, Antonio, and Bosola
(b) Antonio, Bosola, and the Duchess
(c) The Cardinal, Ferdinand, and the Duchess
(d) The Cardinal, Ferdinand, and Antonio

14. What relationship do Julia and Castruchio have?
(a) They are brother and sister.
(b) They are neighbors.
(c) They are married.
(d) They have no relationship.

15. Initially, who is the Duchess is engaged to marry:
(a) Bosola
(b) Ferdinand
(c) No one
(d) the Cardinal

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Julia really come to Rome?

2. When Delios and Julia are interrupted, how does Julia react to the interruption?

3. How does Bosola treat the Old Lady when he catches her in a hurry?

4. What does Delio tell Antonio about Ferdinand's anger over his sister's situation?

5. What item does Bosola give Ferdinand at the end of the Act 3, Scene 1?

(see the answer keys)

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