Drop Shot Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Drop Shot Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Myron in search of in the glove compartment at the scene of the accident?
(a) A flashlight.
(b) Anything to use as a weapon.
(c) His registration.
(d) A gun.

2. What does Gerald get scolded for doing to Myron when Myron visits Lucinda Elright?
(a) Constantly asking questions of Myron.
(b) Sticking out his tongue at him.
(c) Taking his cookie.
(d) Kicking him.

3. What is Duane doing in the player's lounge when Myron visits him right before the match?
(a) Listening to music.
(b) Singing.
(c) Praying.
(d) Reading.

4. How old were Valerie and Eddie when they met at Pavel's tennis camp?
(a) 14 and 10 respectively.
(b) 10 and 14 respectively.
(c) 16 and 9 respectively.
(d) 9 and 16 respectively.

5. What does Lucinda Elright show Myron that is on her arm?
(a) A tattoo.
(b) A knife wound.
(c) A gunshot wound.
(d) A scar from an operation.

6. What is unique about the Chinese restaurant where Myron and Jessica often dine?
(a) It is owned by an Italian.
(b) It has a soda fountain in it.
(c) It serves ice cream.
(d) It serves hamburgers.

7. What further request does Myron make of Courter?
(a) He wants the autopsy report on Alexander.
(b) He wants information about Roger.
(c) He wants to have another lunch with Courter.
(d) He wants a picture of Eroll.

8. What does Jessica mention to Myron that is the one connection between the two murders?
(a) Tennis.
(b) Deanna Yeller.
(c) Myron.
(d) Pavel.

9. What was the last thing that Frank said to Myron before he got out of the car?
(a) "Tell Win to stay away from me."
(b) "Tell Win if he kills one of my men again, he's dead."
(c) "Tell Win we talked."
(d) "Tell Win, nice work."

10. What happens to Fishnet and the black man who is with him at Jessica's apartment?
(a) Win cuts their throats.
(b) Win shoots their heads off.
(c) Win knocks them out.
(d) Win makes Aaron kill them.

11. What does Eddie tell Myron about Pavel's tennis camp?
(a) It was insanely difficult.
(b) It was like a game of King of the Mountain.
(c) It was competitive, but fun.
(d) It was like a shark tank.

12. How does Win beat Aaron the night of Jessica's attack?
(a) He kills Aaron the minute he comes into the room.
(b) He knifes him during what should have been a karate fight.
(c) He is the better karate fighter.
(d) He shoots him during what should have been a karate fight.

13. Why is Frank willing to not harm Myron?
(a) Win hurt one of Frank's family members.
(b) With Pavel dead, there is no reason to.
(c) Frank does not want the police involved.
(d) Frank doesn't want any more of his men killed.

14. What does Myron offer to Eddie after their talk in the locker room?
(a) Tickets to the Yankee game.
(b) To convince Eddie's parents to sign with Myron.
(c) More money.
(d) A better contract.

15. What does Kenneth tell Myron and Win about Helen at the funeral?
(a) She had a nervous breakdown.
(b) She is emotionally detached.
(c) She did not care that her daughter was dead.
(d) She has been medicated.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Myron find Pavel the morning after Jessica's attack?

2. What was Myron still questioning about Deanna after he spoke with Jimmy Blaine?

3. What does Eddie say about his parent's opinion of his deciding to sign with Myron?

4. What words does Myron use to tell Jessica how he feels about her when he finally gets to see her after her return?

5. What does Dr. Abramson ask Myron about while she is watching the tennis match as he enters her home?

(see the answer keys)

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