Dreamland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Dreamland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who watches the Lamon Whipper Show with Caitlin in Chapter 5?
(a) Rina.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Boo.
(d) Her father.

2. What does Margaret put on Caitlin's bed in Chapter 4?
(a) Porcelain doll.
(b) Weighted blanket.
(c) Afghan.
(d) Teddy bear.

3. After the game where Caitlin falls from the pyramid, who do Rina and Caitlin watch clean out her car?
(a) Kelly.
(b) Eliza.
(c) Angela.
(d) Meredith.

4. After apologizing to his father, where does Rogerson take Caitlin in Chapter 6?
(a) Backyard.
(b) Sunroom.
(c) Pool house.
(d) Front porch.

5. How much weight did Eliza Drake gain over the summer in Chapter 4?
(a) Around 8 pounds.
(b) 20 pounds.
(c) About 15 pounds.
(d) 11 pounds.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Cass met Adam, how long would she spend on the phone with him each evening?

2. Where does Stewart's father live?

3. Where does Caitlin tell Bobbi that she met Rogerson?

4. When did Caitlan and Rina become friends?

5. In Chapter 4, what does Caitlin hear before she falls asleep?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Caitlin see Cass in Chapter 5?

2. At the beginning of Chapter 5, how does Caitlin feel when Rogerson does not call her?

3. What happens many nights when Stewart comes home late from his university studio?

4. Why is Caitlin embarrassed to have Boo see her cheerleading outfit?

5. How does Caitlin describe Rogerson's appearance the first time that she sees him?

6. How does Caitlin describe her father's job?

7. Where does Rogerson and his family live?

8. How does Caitlin making cheerleader help her mother?

9. What does Rogerson's father do when he comes to the pool house in Chapter 6?

10. When did Cass run away, and what did she leave behind for her sister and parents?

(see the answer keys)

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