Dragonsinger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonsinger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who wishes he could feed the fire lizards?
(a) Dunca, the cot keeper.
(b) Piemur.
(c) Masterharper Robinton.
(d) Master Jerint.

2. What Master finally realized that Menolly's fire lizards reacted to her emotion?
(a) Master Domick.
(b) Master Morshal.
(c) Master Shonagar.
(d) Master Jerint.

3. Which character has not shown Menolly kindness?
(a) Both of these.
(b) Piemur.
(c) Neither of these.
(d) Master Morshal.

4. What unusual combination of factors woke Menolly?
(a) Warmth and sounds.
(b) Sounds and light.
(c) Sounds and smells.
(d) Light and warmth.

5. Who were the first to leave their tables?
(a) Neither of these.
(b) Female apprentices.
(c) Both of these.
(d) Male apprentices.

6. What is F'nor's queen fire lizard called?
(a) Beauty.
(b) Grall.
(c) Grail.
(d) Mnementh.

7. Why did Menolly wince?
(a) The salve she applied to her feet hurt.
(b) Her scar had a dull throb.
(c) Both of these.
(d) Neither of these.

8. What did Master Jerint do that Beauty liked?
(a) Stroked her wings.
(b) Scratched her headknob.
(c) Tapped her headknob.
(d) Stroked her headknob.

9. What can fire lizards do that dragons do?
(a) All of these.
(b) Breath fire.
(c) Go between.
(d) Fly.

10. Where did Master Shonagar tell Menolly to sing from?
(a) Her soul.
(b) Her heart.
(c) Her stomach.
(d) Her belly.

11. Which fire lizard walked to the edge of the window, yawning?
(a) Rocky.
(b) Mimic.
(c) Aunty One.
(d) Brownie.

12. Why didn't Menolly just relax and go to sleep?
(a) She was hungry.
(b) None of these.
(c) Beauty was hungry.
(d) She had a lot of running around to do.

13. What is the name of the gold fire lizard?
(a) Beauty.
(b) Diver.
(c) Lazybones.
(d) Mimic.

14. How does Piemur help Menolly at first?
(a) He offers to instruct her on how to go about acting in the hall.
(b) Offers her to lean on his shoulders.
(c) He offers her manners classes.
(d) Offers her help fitting in.

15. What did Beauty alert Menolly to?
(a) The fact that there were other fire lizards outside.
(b) The fact that she was lonely and needed love.
(c) That Menolly had rolled over on her.
(d) That she wanted to sing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What scared the apprentice that ran into Menolly?

2. What impression did Morshal have of Menolly's knowledge of musical theory?

3. What did Piemur's foster mother always tell him?

4. Why is it good that Dunca is strict?

5. How many fire lizards did Menolly impress?

(see the answer keys)

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