Dragonquest Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonquest Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does F'lar think is one of the major problems between dragon riders?
(a) fighting excessively
(b) being secretive
(c) losing touch with each other
(d) being so competitive

2. What do the dragons do at the hatching grounds when the eggs rock?
(a) blow fire on them
(b) stomp the ground
(c) hum
(d) bellow

3. What does Brekke plan to do the day after T'kul left for Southern?
(a) go swimming
(b) inventory supplies
(c) find F'nor
(d) go to Benden

4. How does Brekke feel about not impressing?
(a) relieved
(b) frightened
(c) sad
(d) happy

5. What does Lytol insist upon after the hatching?
(a) Ruth be given to someone else
(b) that Jaxom stay at Benden
(c) Ruth live at Ruatha
(d) Jaxom be still considered a Lord

Short Answer Questions

1. What do F'nor and F'lar do with the grubs F'nor brought back from Southern?

2. Of what are Asgenar and Bendarek convinced by F'lar?

3. What has N'ton obtained for F'lar's experiment?

4. What emergency disrupts the wedding at Telgar?

5. What is Brekke supposed to do when Wirenth heads to the herds to eat?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Brekke and Wirenth start Wirenth's rising?

2. What scares Jaxom when flying to Benden?

3. Why does F'lar want F'nor at Benden?

4. What does F'nor think of the Holders' attitude towards dragon riders?

5. What happens during the fight between Prideth and Wirenth?

6. What does Canth tell F'nor is troubling Lessa?

7. What does T'ron do at the wedding and what is F'lar's response?

8. What happens to the little egg Jaxom touched and what does Felessan tell Jaxom?

9. What does Groghe call for and what is F'lar's response?

10. What does F'lar do when Kylara arrives with a fire lizard on her arm?

(see the answer keys)

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