Downright Dencey Test | Final Test - Medium

Caroline Dale Snedeker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Downright Dencey Test | Final Test - Medium

Caroline Dale Snedeker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What gift does Sammie give to Dencey?
(a) A fine writing pen and paper.
(b) A box of chocolates.
(c) A cameo necklace.
(d) A Chinese bird cage and two birds.

2. Why is Dencey conflicted about taking Stephen's coat?
(a) It could be given to the orphanage.
(b) Stealing is wrong.
(c) The coat won't fit anyone else.
(d) It is so old that no one will want it.

3. What is on the chart that Dencey brings to the next lesson with Sammie?
(a) Summer flowers.
(b) Fish.
(c) The alphabet.
(d) Bible verses.

4. What advice do Tom and Lydia give to Sammie?
(a) He should take care of Injun Jill.
(b) He should become a preacher.
(c) He should further his education.
(d) He should go out to sea.

5. What does Aunt Lovesta tell Dencey she must promise not to do?
(a) Return to Injun Jill's or Brown's barn.
(b) Read any books from the attic.
(c) Go fishing by herself.
(d) Eat apples without permission.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many coats does Stephen have?

2. Why is Dencey so sad on the day of Nantucket's main event?

3. What new article of clothing does Stephen receive?

4. What does Sammie offer to leave for Dencey?

5. Which of the following is something Aunt Lovesta does NOT tell Dencey that Dencey can do?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Dencey feel driven to teach Sammie to read despite some of his behavior?

2. What does Dencey find when she takes a risk to go exploring in the attic?

3. What is Dencey's punishment for not refusing to see Sammie again?

4. After Sammie has watched the performance, why does Dencey think that Sammie's soul is in jeopardy, and why does she feel compelled to save him?

5. What is Lovesta's punishment by the Committee for Sufferings for not allowing them to take Lydia's crimson rug from her home?

6. What does Lovesta tell Dencey about repentance and what does Dencey plan to do regarding Sammie?

7. How does Dencey respond when Sammie tells her that Injun Jill will not let him study with Dencey anymore?

8. What is Sammie's response when Dencey brings the alphabet poster chart for Sammie?

9. Why does the fire alarm ring in the morning, and why does Lydia hold Sammie responsible for the trouble?

10. Who is Aunt Lovesta, and what is Dencey's relationship with her?

(see the answer keys)

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