Doomsday Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Doomsday Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What group of Americans are shortly expected?
(a) Scholars.
(b) Bellringers.
(c) Faculty from various history departments.
(d) Band members.

2. What garners Imeyne's suspicions?
(a) Kivrin's miraculous recovery.
(b) Gawyn's smirking at Maisry.
(c) Kivrin's accent.
(d) Kivrin's dress style.

3. Why does she try to do so with the wagon?
(a) To use it for firewood.
(b) So someone won't steal it.
(c) To feel safer from the wild animals.
(d) To be discovered.

4. What does Kivrin try to do with the wagon?
(a) Sleep in it.
(b) Move it closer to the road.
(c) Take it apart.
(d) Hide it.

5. How many hours slippage does Badri say there was?
(a) 15.
(b) 4.
(c) 22.
(d) 1.

6. Why are the church bells tolled?
(a) For the bell ringer to practice.
(b) To keep them from rusting.
(c) To announce the death of someone.
(d) To praise God.

7. What is wrong with Kivrin?
(a) She cannot get the transponder to work.
(b) She cannot seem to make her recorder work.
(c) She is lost in the woods.
(d) She has delirium because of a high fever.

8. To what year will Kivrin be traveling?
(a) 1720.
(b) 3025.
(c) 1920.
(d) 1320.

9. Back at Oxford, what is evident about Badri?
(a) He will be well shortly.
(b) He is very ill.
(c) He may never regain consciousness.
(d) He has a new virus never seen before.

10. What is Kivrin wearing?
(a) An embedded interpreter.
(b) A simple peasnt froke.
(c) Gold jewelry she can sell if she needs to.
(d) A watch with a computer.

11. What is Dunworthy and others told as they are released from the hospital?
(a) They are to stay on bed rest.
(b) They are fully recovered and need take no more precautions.
(c) They will need another blood transfusion in two days.
(d) They can not leave the city.

12. Why do they generally not send historians to the medieval period?
(a) There is not much to learn from that time period.
(b) The language is too different from modern English.
(c) It is dangerous.
(d) They are afraid of bringing back the plague.

13. What are the bell ringers concerned about?
(a) Finding time to practice.
(b) Finding a place to practice.
(c) Their bells getting rusty in the humid air.
(d) The virus situation.

14. What does Kivrin plan to say about her "brother?"
(a) That he is a priest somewhere in London.
(b) That bandits kill him.
(c) That he is ill and she is on her way to care for him.
(d) That he dies when they were on their way to their father's new farm.

15. Who are Agnes and Rosemund?
(a) Eliwys's daughters.
(b) Eliwys's sisters.
(c) Eliwys's sister and sister-in-law.
(d) Two nuns helping the priest.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kivrin immediately know when she wakes?

2. Where is James Dunworthy a faculty member?

3. Where does Kivrin beg to return to?

4. What does Kivrin note in her first entry in her Doomsday Book?

5. Where is the entire village going?

(see the answer keys)

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