Divergent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Veronica Roth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Divergent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Veronica Roth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Beatrice say her mother always cuts her hair?
(a) On every third Monday.
(b) On the first day of every month.
(c) On the first day of every sixth month.
(d) On the second day of every third month.

2. What faction is dedicated to courage in the novel?
(a) Abnegation.
(b) Erudite.
(c) Amity.
(d) Dauntless.

3. Beatrice asserts to Eric in Chapter Thirteen that bullying is a sign of what?
(a) Cowardice.
(b) Strength.
(c) Bravery.
(d) Malice.

4. Beatrice believes that the dormitory reeks of what odor in Chapter Seventeen?
(a) Blood.
(b) Paint.
(c) Gunpowder.
(d) Gasoline.

5. Where is Tris injected for the fear simulation in Chapter Eighteen?
(a) In her wrist.
(b) In her shoulder.
(c) In her thigh.
(d) In her neck.

6. Who pulls Beatrice off of her opponent during the fight in Chapter Fourteen?
(a) Eric.
(b) Will.
(c) Four.
(d) Edward.

7. Whom does Will fight in the first round of fighting in Chapter Nine?
(a) Peter.
(b) Christina.
(c) Edward.
(d) Al.

8. Who is Christina slated to fight on the first day of fighting in Chapter Nine?
(a) Al.
(b) Molly.
(c) Myra.
(d) Christina.

9. What does Beatrice land on when she jumps into the unseen entrance to the Dauntless headquarters in Chapter Six?
(a) A pile of hay.
(b) A pile of sticks.
(c) A mattress.
(d) A net.

10. Beatrice realizes in Chapter Twelve that being Dauntless means being willing to make things more difficult for yourself in order to become what?
(a) Intuitive.
(b) Selfless.
(c) Self-sufficient.
(d) Peaceful.

11. What faction does Beatrice tell her friends that her aptitude test results suggested she was suited for in Chapter Sixteen?
(a) Candor.
(b) Abnegation.
(c) Amity.
(d) Dauntless.

12. What color is the liquid tinted in the syringe that Beatrice is injected with during the fear simulation in Chapter Eighteen?
(a) Purple.
(b) Orange.
(c) Blue.
(d) Pink.

13. What is the name of the event where Beatrice decides what faction she will be in?
(a) The Choosing Ceremony.
(b) The Faction Ball.
(c) The Abnegation Ceremony.
(d) The Divergent Ceremony.

14. What is Christina's former faction?
(a) Amity.
(b) Dauntless.
(c) Erudite.
(d) Candor.

15. How many non-Dauntless-born initiates are there in Beatrice's group when they arrive at the headquarters in Chapter Seven?
(a) Six.
(b) Nine.
(c) Ten.
(d) Eleven.

Short Answer Questions

1. What creature does Uriah have a tattoo of behind his ear?

2. Who is first in rank amongst the Dauntless-born initiates in Chapter Eighteen?

3. To what ideal is the Candor faction dedicated?

4. The truck that Robert is riding on is hauling what type of produce in Chapter Eleven?

5. Whom does Christina refer to as Peter's sidekick in Chapter Nine?

(see the answer keys)

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